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WIP - DC-15x sniper rifle from the Battlefront game


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Hey all


After certain people obvious got a pain in the ass over me using my approved DLT-19 rifle at events, when wearing my TB armor, though others TB´s in our Garrison also use other "weapons" then the hold-out blaster at events and don´t get the same hard time, my father has now tried to build the DC-15x sniper rifle like the one from the game Battlefront. This version is one of the 3 weapons, that Marcel (DL) is trying to get into the CRL for the TB, and I hope that he will succeed. :)



Here's a link: http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/Heidi_L_Sorensen/story/29595#



The rifle still needs the second layer of paint, though I really like the weatered look, that it has right now ;)


I´ve used the ref. pics, that are in the album for accuracy, and it was a bit hard to see all the small details. But all in all, I think my dad also pulled this one of quite nicely.


What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice, looks like I have another blaster to build :D

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That´s a good question - do we have any ref. of a snow scout with one ?


The CRL says this: "Sniper rifle

For 501st approval:"




Not exactly a detailed decription, eh? I figure I want to base mine off of this:




Because everyone looks better with a BFG. :)

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Lovin what you have done Hun, yours is now number two DC-15x's in the legion, we have the only two as far as I know



Hi Marcel


Thank you so much - can´t take all the credit, but my dad is very happy with all the comments on his work. :D


I´m going to put it in for approval to the GML team - so x my fingers ;)

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