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1st helmet build KS

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Hey Everyone!


This is my first helmet build, a KS. I appreciate any input and will undoubtedly have questions to ask and I already have some.


Here's where I'm at so far, nothing is glued yet. I plan on painting it and wondered if I should glue the faceplate and visor before or after painting?


I'm guessing after so it will cover any glue or anything like that. Let me know if you think any adjustments are needed on the cutouts.









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I see your here in California. 1st thing head on down to Walmart(cheapest) or hobby store for some E6000 Glue & plastic spring clamps. Use a rotary tool to remove all the excess plastic, eye hole, around front of visor...ect Test fit the faceplate to the visor, when your happy with the location, mark with a pencil. Place E6000 anywhere the faceplate meets the visor. Sides & top & clamp. Let set 24hrs at least. Now do the same with the dome & the lower helmet. test fit, mark & glue. You will probably end up with a slight gap where the helmet meets the dome. Take some white bathroom caulking & apply a thin film. Whipe off excess with a damp paper towl. Again let set overnight. With a cutting disc cut out the shape of your lens. Now take a heat gun on low & work it all over both side, continusly moving. The plexiglass will warm & start to bend. Now its ready, while still flexable place on the inside of the faceplace & gently push down to mold to to the proper cure of your faceplate. If not right warm again & redo. Set visor aside, you will install this after painting. Now line up your faceplate/visor & helmet, Once satisfied with location, mark your bot hole & drill. Use your rotary tool to remove soe more off the visor curve to lift the faceplate correctly. For some reason when you install the faceplate with the bolts it smooshes the helmet together & the visor wont lift. Use extra fine sandpaper & gentle same all pieces. Wash with water & wipe dry. Use your favorite primer & apply 4-6 coats. Next use gloss white paint again 4-6 coats should do it. Now use wet/dry 2000 sandpaper & sand entire thing. I made two lil bridges for my lens about 3/4" in length. I glued them to the back of the visor on each side of the eye hole. This way my lens had something to sit on. I placed a drop of E6000 on each bridge & set my lens on it. Now you will want to test lifting the visor. Once it's complete use your favorite liquid car wax to add a nice shine.

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  • 3 months later...

... Wash with water & wipe dry. Use your favorite primer & apply 4-6 coats. Next use gloss white paint again 4-6 coats should do it. Now use wet/dry 2000 sandpaper & sand entire thing. I made two lil bridges for my lens about 3/4" in length. I glued them to the back of the visor on each side of the eye hole. This way my lens had something to sit on. I placed a drop of E6000 on each bridge & set my lens on it. Now you will want to test lifting the visor. Once it's complete use your favorite liquid car wax to add a nice shine.


Do I need to sand between priming and applying the white?

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