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DVH bikerscout armor greeblie construction

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So folks i've been meaning to do this for a while, and ive been on a greeblie kick this weekend (i made a ESB EE-3 Boba Fett blaster center stock greeblie and the "breech disc" for the same blaster) so i decided to FINALLy begin making the scout greeblies i dont alrerady do so i can offer complete sets. I already had the found parts for the top of the t-bits but needed to construct the square part. I also have been wanting to do the tank topper as well. So heres what i did so far...


Square t-bit


I basically just cut ABS sheet into the proper size squares



then glued 2 of the three pieces togther and drilled 2 holes , as i wanted to add rivet detail



I then just added the "rivet" part without the nail into the holes i drilled




I then trimmed the last piece of ABS to accommodate the rivets




I then glued that last piece of ABS on top



Then sanded and rounded off the edges



Master done and next to one of my casts of the found part




Next is the tank topper

This is as far a s i got lol..the cast pieces are just sitting on top..but you get the idea...again i will do this with ABS...the circle will be matboard as i dont have thinner ABS at the moment. I will make the heatsinc out of ABS as well.



I'll update as soon as i have more done.


Mold rubber and some resin has already been ordered so i should have the full T-bits available very soon, along with the snout i already offer of course.


Next on the list is that TD greeblie, again done the same way :)

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I'd pick up one of those tank toppers in a heart beat if you go ahead with it. Very nice work!


Thanks man....Im def going ahead with it..i was just gettin tired that day lol. I actually cut it out and cut out the hole for the button...gonna do more in the next couple of days

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