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Patrick "Admiral Targeta" BARC Trooper build

Admiral Targeta

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Finally making some major progress with this build. I am so happy to be here and hopefully by Oct 1st be part of the Pathfinders. Thank to Matt Lindon and Kevin Querio for being contacts for me doing this build. Still have to work on the chest and back pieces. The leg parts and dremmel out and paint the boots. I will post much more picts as I finish this up. Thanks guys.







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Looking sharp bro! The brown looks a little red, but most likely just the flash or the lighting. The helmet won't be bad. Just remember to paint and weather before you put in the lens, or at least cover it up before you paint!

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Looks great Patrick, jsut keep pushing through it and you'll get finished.


LoL, whats with all these secrete little KT's popping up?

Ive had 3 other people starting their builds contact me for help as well but they dont seen to be posting on here.


Theres lots of us here to give a hand if you need it!

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Thanks Allan! I do have a question about the weathering. I will do that before I instal the lens. For the Tusken I used a black sprypaint and did a mist. Not sure if I can do that here. I already put the clearcoat on most of the pieces but that should not be a big deal. What did you do for yours? Thanks.

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That's how I did mine. You just don't want to get too close to have a black blob. I just misted here and there for the result I was looking for. The clear wont be a problem.


My tusken I used rit in water and spray bottle. Have a good effect, but don't plan on using it too much anymore since I now have this rig. Can't see a dang thing in the tusken!

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That's how I did mine. You just don't want to get too close to have a black blob. I just misted here and there for the result I was looking for. The clear wont be a problem.


My tusken I used rit in water and spray bottle. Have a good effect, but don't plan on using it too much anymore since I now have this rig. Can't see a dang thing in the tusken!


Hey Brent, since you already have my address, I'll expect the tusken on my doorstep within a week. ;)

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You're ok with the clear coat on there already, mine was as well before I weathered it.


From what I read most guys were using black and white spray cans and just misting... I didn't like the idea of using white so I took the same TAN that I used for my base coat and black spray can and misted everything, on the cummerbund i also misted brown to give it a little dirty or rusted look along with the tan and black.

I think after that I gave it one more clear coat jsut so the weathering would be good n protected as well.


If you find another way that interests you dont be afraid to try it.

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  • 10 years later...
I would like to update this with a greenwash tint. Any ideas? Thanks 
This is kinda personal preference, there isn't anything in the crl about having a green tint on the kahki but I can understand why you would want it since some of the stills kind of look like there is a slight green tinge. I'm guessing your kit has already been approved? When people make minor adjustments to their kits, I know some gmls want people to resubmit pics for approval. That might be something you want to discuss with your GML.

Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk

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