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keeping the legs down


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Ive noticed tht after about ten minutes of wearing my scout the legs of the flight suit want to ride up so I constantly have to fix it and it looks pretty ridiculous.is there an easy way to keep this from constantly happening??

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My suit is custom tailored to me. And when I put my socks on, I pull them up over my legs so that helps a little I guess. If it's truly a flight suit, they're gonna ride up a little. They always do. All you can do is readjust from time to time. Is this doing this, even with your knee armor on?

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Yeah its constantly doing it and it looks ridiculous.I tried putting Velcro on it to tighten it and I put my socks over it too and it still ends up looking like I have really fat parachute pants XD I was thinking of putting stirrups but I'm not 100% ik how to do tht

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I tuck my pants into my socks as well but once I have my knee pads all is good, I also have Velcro on the knee pads that may help the issue.

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Stirrups work well, and so does tucking them into socks. You can also try using military blousing straps. http://www.armysurplusworld.com/product.asp?productID=18597

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Just to point out I do have elastic stirrups on my other armor boushh.(big grin) didn't wanna feel left out :)


Donovan buy some thick elastic ...hand sewing is fine...just sew them to the hem of your pants, enough elastic so they cup under your foot ...too much and they will be uncomfortable. To help them not to moving around ...see how you go placing sock on top as well. So you have double secure.



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I put elastic around the ankels & elastic stir ups in all my riding suits. .88 X 2 at Walmart, & you will have plenty left over. Your probably gonna use about 6-8 inches on leg. You will wanna get the 1/4" for the ankels & the 3/4" for the stir up.

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For some reason stirrups don't work well for me. My feet still seem to slide out of them. I made some elastic straps with velcro ends that I just wrap around close to my ankles. Also tucking into your socks works like a charm.

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