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Hey guys,


I have been hot and heavy in my build and was cooking along when I decided to look at my chest and back armor panels to size them up. I am not a small guy. I have seen Pandatrooper's tutorial and what he did, but I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to maybe extend the shoulder bridges to give me more depth. I know I will have to take a heat gun to some of the parts and do some trimming under the arms, but now I am very concerned!


Any ideas?


Thanks guys and I appreciate all the tutorials and help.




All you can do is buy some abs sheets, but it up to the original bridges. Glue a backing piece on the back to join them, then get some abs weld, mix in some abs shavings to make a paste, fill the join. and weather to hide it I guess


Pretty much what Marcel said. And if you want to stay clean, once you've done that you can always paint your chest and back.


Thanks so much guys. This is going to be the only real issue I encounter aside from the little things we all go through getting this stuff built. I am going to an armor party / squad meeting in a week. They may be able to help too. I really appreciate the feedback! -Paul


Any suggestions on a brand of paint? I think this option will probably be the way for me to go. It will take a bit of time, but it's worth it.



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