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Hi everyone!


I have recently purchased a kit from someone in the UK Garrison, and it was fantastic. Although, the Helmet is resin and I am yet to work on it. Would a Resin helmet be any more difficult to work with then a standard ABS helmet? Or would it be a better idea to get an ABS one? If so, where from?


Sorry about all the questions, its just been stuck in my mind for days. Also, I'm from Australia!




Hi Shane,


firstly welcome to the BSN forums :)

when you say resin - do you mean fibreglass?


maybe if you know the maker of can post a picture of the kit, that will help us understand what you are working with so we can answer your question better.


I don't believe I've seen a resin helmet before. Post up some pics if you can. :)




Once I'm home from work I'll snap a couple of pictures of the helmet for you!




Alright, here are the photo's as promised! I'm pretty sure it is Resin, but I don't really know much about these sorts of things! Looking forward to hearing from you all!



Hi Glenn,


Hm, good to know! I was just a tad confused as the seller told me it was Resin. Hopefully it should be easy enough to work it!




Fiberglass is a resin, it just has a mat or woven sheet of glass fibers inside. I just learned this last year after reading that in England, they call fiberglass "glass reinforced plastic."


Looks like someone might have just purchased a helmet from one of the guys who vac-forms and recast it. It would be interesting to see pictures of it next to an SC or KS helmet for comparison.


yes indeed, this one looks like a recast from an ABS kit - not sure which. to my knowlege there are 2 Fibreglass kits currently available, MLC and Cucblack's.


The faceplate on my fibreglass MLC kit is one piece, this faceplate on yours looks like 2 parts joined together.


If it is a recast, looks like it can still be worked into a decent looking helmet, the good thing is that it is already trimmed out, but you may still have a fair bit of work to do.


Chef also has a fibreglass lid but I think he's using HIPS now. This one looks SC-ish to me.

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