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Guest Tecnotic

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Guest Tecnotic

Hey Guys!


Im new my name is Chris Henley and i live in Southern California.


I have been all over, up and down these forums! i am 100% into making my BC costume, but i have no idea where to start, i see the linked sites that sell kits and such but i don't know which to get. sewing anything like for boots and pouches is no issue but when it comes to the armor which seller is the best? i have a very large head and im afraid to buy one kit from a company and it not fitting or being bad quality. What is your suggestion on what company to get a kit from?


Help would be amazing! thanks (sorry if i posted in the wrong thread) :wacko:

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Welcome Fellow SoCal Scout.

If you have a larger head than most your gonna want a KS helmet. They also make the rest of the armor. SC makes good armor, but I hear the helmet is on the small side. Both KS & SC offer kits with & without helmets as well as individual parts.

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my suggestion even though I'm not a biker scout "Kashyyyk scouts rule" lol ok just joking... that you get your body armour first then while working on those parts research your helmet options with other BC within your garrison. Ideally...show up at events and ask to try on bikers helmets! Ask nicely or they bite... then you can go from there!! get involved with the SOCAL garrison "google it" and they will help you!

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Guest Tecnotic

Thank you guys so much! its very helpful. i did not suspect so many responses so soon. :) you guys are very welcoming and friendly. Archer i like that idea very much! i think that is what i shall do!

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