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starting build/ needs helpful advice!?

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Guest Jollyme

Hello everyone! I am about to start the build of my first costume (start to finish) and I have to say, looking at all the hard armor pieces it looks slightly confusing. However the main issue I have at the moment is I have no idea where to get or what to get for my under suit. I tried looking at my local trading post seeing as how we have a hunting and archery club in town I was expecting something to be available. we only have insulated camo gear, and seeing as how I'm in Northern Ontario Canada that doesn't really surprise me. I was wondering if anyone could possibly point me in the right direction here. I see lots of camo gear on ebay but I am not sure what to get. Any help / advice would be fantastic! Thanks :) Jolly


This is what I ordered: http://airsoft-club.com/shop/tactical-gear/by-color/british-dpm-camo/british-dpm-desert-camo-bdu-uniform-shirt-pants


It's lightweight and breathes decent. It's a mostly poly blend but it does take dye. To get it darker you will need to mix some black with the brown.


There's also this place.



Another new Kashyyyk builder was asking me about different places. (This was one of them.)


It seems to be the same style of material set that Drewid listed.

But, I checked the parent company called 599buy.com. They seem to be based out of Canada. (According to their phone number.)

That might help you with shipping, as well.

They also offer shipping insurance. (That can be good.)


I can across union jacks place on eBay, which go me service worn fatigues. They were perfect and he even helped me with sizing. You can email him at unionjacksplace1@hotmail.co.uk


Hold up on getting them online, I'll take a look in my local Army/Navy surplus store... You've tried that as well correct? You won't find Brittish BDU's at a normal hunting store.


As I said I'll take a look but I'll need to know your sizes (just medium or large will do, height and weight works as well)


I'm in NB and I can promise that buying from a surplus then shipping from my place to yours will cost less then anything online

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