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KS helmet help

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ok, I have been working on my KS helmet with what little free time I have and this is where I currently am. I welcome any feedback.


I have a little sanding left to do but i think im pretty close to being able to start gluing. my biggest challenge at this point is figuring out how to piece it together. the top and back side of the helmet looks self explanatory but the visor and faceplate has me a little stumped and I dont want to make a mistake. any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated











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In a nut shell...the main back part is the "outer portion". The dome fits inside that part (or should). Then, the visor should be attached, or glued, to the sides of the faceplate. The bolts go through the outer visor and faceplate holes and attach to the "inner" dome part. Yours looks pretty good...I would trim the front visor portion a little more though, follow the lines of the forming.


Sounds like fun, eh?! It's really not that bad if your parts are trim and fit well. :)


Here's a few snaps of mine, if it helps.









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