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KS Helmet Assembly - Fitting the Dome

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I've got all my pieces cut and sanded. I still need to trim out the ear holes, and do some light sanding, but I started test fitting tonight.


In the sparse instructions provided with the helmet kit, in regards to the dome, it states: "rounded cut edge faces forward"


However, after test-fitting the pieces, I've found that the reverse of that actually works much better, and seems to 'fit' as intended. I can't seem to find any pics of anyone's bucket who actually did it this way. I can post pics later, but has anyone been successful in mounting the dome backwards?

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It did, but there's still an unfillable gap between the dome and the front edges of the back piece, if I follow KS instructions. When I reverse it, the gap disappears, and it almost fits perfectly. Very strange.

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I did a total tape-up with it in that position, but there was a 3/4" gap between the front edge of the dome and the rear of the blinder. So, even though it should work, it won't. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im in the same boat.

My KS has a gap where the dome meets the back. I did not buy the kit & received it in a trade. These two parts were already glues together. I havn't worked on it because I don't know what to fill the gap with. All the helmets I see seem to be made to look as one piece.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I filled mine with paste made from sealing the trimmed off ABS in a jar with Acetone. It was rough, but I smoothed it out with Bondo spot putty. That's not really an option for you because you don't want to repaint the whole thing and spot putty is dark red. I had a KS kit that was clearly two different colors of ABS so I had to paint mine anyway. I just met a TK who used caulk to seal the gap in his bucket. That could work for you.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi BatNinja, I also had acquired a KS bucket kit recently. Faced the same situation where gaps are prone if I assemble the dome according to build instruction. Hence I reversed the dome and my bucket looked much better. Fit nicely. I haven't glued both dome (in backward position) with the rear piece. Still contemplating...

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Guest Forrest Patrol

Its most likely an instruction print error, especially as its KS.


Anyone who collects Lego (Technic) or those 'Transmorphers' figures knows the annoying frustration of 'That piece is the wrong way round!'

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