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Jancelot's SC build

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Thank you! I went through the RotJ Blu-Ray yesterday and took a bunch of screen caps for weathering reference:


Weathering album


Sewing up the jumpsuit today to reduce the poof in the legs. Afterwards I'll start on the weathering.


* edit: fixed album link

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Tailored the jump suit a bit and worked on weathering today. I made a fairly conservative first go at it. Cummerbund and boots were hit as well, but not pictured.


I really like working with the powdered tempura paint as it's very forgiving. Downside is that it will rub off a bit as time goes on so, depending on usage, touch-ups are required. In my two years of actively wearing my Snowy I only had to touch up once, though.


I'll probably go back for a second round tomorrow after I try it all on. I think it looks best when there's a nice flow to it. I wish I had made a duct tape mannequin prior to this project. Next on the list... :)









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Two inches taken in on the legs and 1.5 on the arms. Fit feels much better. I'm going to add a bit more weathering to it here and there, but just some touch up.











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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nice work, well done :D

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Thanks, all and glad to hear the photos are helpful!


Regarding my Duff blaster, the black paint finally dried after about 3 weeks (zoiks!). I used the sci-fire method to add weathering. The photos below are my first pass. I hit it with too much of the Mohawk on the left side and it came out a bit brown. I'm going to make another pass at it to add a bit more and touch up the brown areas.






I purchased a sheet of 2" thick gray foam for my pouches. Below are the pics of the cutouts I made to hold the speaker. I plan on adding an eyelet to the back for the mic cable. The other pouch has a similar cutout minus the front hole. I use it to store my wallet and trading cards.









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Also, decided to do a comparison of my blasters. Note, per above, I have painted the Duff/Duku blaster. I also replaced the stock trigger guards on the Duku and Hyperfirm with a steel bar to work with the magnets in my holster.


I don't see myself trooping with the KS. It's big, heavy and the least detailed. It will be going on the block. The Hyperfirm and Duku are both excellent options. The Hyperfirm might just win out for me due to it being the lightest of the three. While slight, the difference is notable when holding the two. It also makes for better comfort in the holster and less wear from sag (although I do have two internal leg straps to support the holster as well). That said, the Duku is still a great blaster and I will try both out on my troops ahead.


I have a couple other angles if anyone is interested (bottom, front, back).


EDIT: rough conversions for the rest of the world... :)

KS = 650g

Duku = 450g

Hyperfirm = 320g







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  • 6 months later...

Hello Chris,


Great comparison of the 3 Blaster models along with height, weight and dimension. I just did my first troop on Star Wars Day and had some battle damage with my blaster when the scope broke off and chipped. Can you point me in the right direction on the Forum board to obtain a replacement scope or possible a newer blaster version?






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