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Jancelot's SC build

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Hello all! I've had my kit for a few months was working on a newborn son project for a while. :) Starting on the helmet and should make good progress at a garrison armor party in a couple weeks.


What type of bondo/putty do you recommend for the dome/back join?


I was starting to paint the snout, but will likely back off and paint the whole helmet white first due to the bondo/putty.


Also, I have a somewhat larger head so I'm thinking of picking up a KS* bucket as well. If someone can send the contact info my way I'd appreciate it. Cheers.




* EDIT: previously KC

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If you're talking about a KS bucket, isn't that what's in the picture? It looks like it to me. Never heard of a KC bucket so I couldn't tell you.

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  • 1 month later...

Full speed ahead on this suit now. Jumpsuit arrived today, boots acquired, blaster ordered, and gloves on the way.


Doing my best to target Lancer status.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Progress continues. Undersuit received, pockets removed, suede ordered, and collar flap added.







I'm following Pandatrooper's fantastic build thread for my assembly. Tank is complete.


A bit heavy on the glue...










Elastics in place except for the top knee strap. Heading over to the fabric store today.



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Thank you, gentlemen!


Started the boots proper. Following the tutorial from TJ (a.k.a. jeezycreezy a.k.a. TB-4210).











Kropserkel blaster showed up today as well.



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Make sure you stretch the vinyl over the toe of the boot. From what you're showing, it could use a bit more stretching.


Otherwise, keep it up!

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Thanks! Yes, that first shot was just the initial placement. No heat or stretching. Below is a shot after the first round. One or two more rounds should do it.


Not much else done today except for a trip to the fabric store for various elastic supplies.



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I think the holes look about right. You don't wanna make them too big.


Just out of curiosity, how much vinyl did you end up using on your boots?

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Thanks, guys. Looking at the reference photos I think I will make it just a bit bigger. Perhaps a couple mm on each edge.


BJ, I ordered a yard of the vinyl, but ended up using about 2/3. That said, the initial blocks I cut for the toes were probably oversized, but I didn't want to cut too small and waste it entirely.


Glueing the toes tonight so I should have boots completed by Monday. Cummerbund, pouches and flak vest should be here tomorrow and I'll do a test fitting. Next up is the belt.

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Thanks, Chris. I'm terrible at estimating how much of that stuff to use. I always get way too much. lol And, yeah, I take back my initial assessment of your ear openings after taking a good look. You and Jim are right; they could be just a bit wider. Can't wait to see your test fitting. :)

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I haven't made as much progress as hoped but still chugging along. Working on the suede patches, elastic, etc on the under suit with a seamstress.


Boots are almost complete. Waiting for the glue on the calf pieces to dry then the wishbone covers will go on.















Helmet visor section complete. Need to paint my 3M bolt gray. Also slightly enlarged the vents. Will move to interior work next before final assembly.





Cummerbund and flak vest arrived.





For the shoulder bridge sewed a double sided loop velcro strip. Then I added a small rectangle of hook to the inside of my bridges to strengthen placement. They should not be going anywhere. :)





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Okay, getting around to the fun stuff. Test fit! But first the jumpsuit. It's hard to see in this photo, but I need to adjust the elastic strap on the left leg. It's a bit too low in the back and a bit too loose.


And obviously I made a wreck of trying to velcro up the cummerbund. Need to shorten the elastic crotch strap on that as well.

















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+1, closely watching I will be :D

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Thanks, all. More progress today. Spent most of the time on shaping a few pieces: shoulders, forearms and belt. Getting down to the small items and adjustment phase.


Boots are done (sans holster of course):




Shoulders trimmed and shaped:






Belt pieces shaped. Forearms trimmed and ready for a new return edge:




Painted a band of black inside the helmet. Picked up some additional washers and bolts to use with the 3M ones. Also trimmed the round part off the 3M bolt so it will sit flush:











A bit of E6000 around the top between the visor and the face plate.




Glued a bit of foam inside the knees to keep the bottom lip from digging in to my shins. A tip I brought over from my snowie. I've loosened the bottom straps as well.



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