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So I'm I loosing it or have the number of posts and the number of people visiting the site droped to another low again...


I thought with BC making the armor kits and more people interested in making this armor we would see more people around.


But hey maybe I'm just crazy...

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Getting home at 10:30pm and going to work at 7:00am gives little time for building or for anything else. When I do get my Sunday off, I really like sitting by the pool relaxing, not in my hot workshop, working more. When my jobs slow up, I will be right back onto my kit.

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Dont worry, I was thinking the same thing....although I was worried that I was somehow scaring people away with my return. :ph34r:


Its been too long and Im glad to be back on the forums :wub:

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So I'm I loosing it or have the number of posts and the number of people visiting the site droped to another low again...


I thought with BC making the armor kits and more people interested in making this armor we would see more people around.


But hey maybe I'm just crazy...

Yes, you did lose it. And, yes, you are crazy! ;)

I'm here. Are you still there?


It comes and goes. Gets dull around winter time.


None of the other old farts get on here much at all.

I guess once you get approved, it doesn't matter if you are on here anymore, or not.


I check here pretty much everyday to see what's happening, see if I can help anyone, and if the Kashyyyk numbers will ever go over 30 before the years end.


And there are times when I get really burned out on the stuff and don't do anything for weeks. So... :angry2:

I've got another set of Kashyyyk armor that I want to work on. Just don't have much enthusiasm or energy to do it.

So, for some reason, I end working on a glove (when the greeblies are available....so, shhh!!) or something related.


Cheers! B)

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LoL well I'm glad I'm not the only other person checking te forum daily, and that great your always checking in Matt, I'll be sticking around after I'm done as well.


This week has been horrible for me getting stuff done, I'm working the evening/night ranges at work all Thai week and next so I work from 12pm till 2-3am :( then I need to sleep to do it all over again)

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Good to see you're still here, Kevin! B)


There are a few scenes in the C VI dvd that show us in our Kashyyyk armor. "Yippee!!"

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Born here....live here... Die here...

If and when I'm home I usually check in a few times a day....what can I say I have no life LOL...

I try to pack in as much as I can during 2 weeks home and never get everything done that I want to or need to do.

I always try to put at least 2 hours a day on my armour usually at nite before bed. It is relaxing for me!!!

Stay frosty......

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lots of other projects going on, but updating my KT is one the plate for this summer.....i need to get it back in action and trooping...



i was hoping KWD would have new armor up and running.....

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Hey Grumpy......check your PM and e-mails.


What?? Where??

Checked everything from here to Facebook to my email....found nothing.

What's up??

(I'll keep checking.)

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  • 1 month later...

Clones are accepted by the Rebel Legion, since they worked for the Republic, prior to Order 66.

Good to go!

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I'd just gotten off my shift at the Koto booth and got requested to join in the RL photo to help bolster their numbers. I'll eventually submit this to the RL for membership. Eventually :)

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I am all chromed up, doing Latex tonight. Paint black tomorrow, before going to Fanboy expo and hopefully painting The base tan on Sunday. Surgery pushed my work back a bit. But I gig get some leather sewing done for another Trooper and my belt is attached to the nylon webbing.

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Tim, you're just the leather working machine! Tell Brandon he needs to pay you or ill break him! I feel ya though, about to make a gaffi for Shad.


Have fun at fanboy, I'm sidelined with torn ligaments in ankle (aka sprain).


The painting should go quick since you're pretty far along with everything else.

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