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Always on the Update!

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You know how these things are....


You look at stuff and see little changes to be made.


And so it goes with my knee-plates.


The old ones.




So I've tightened up the indent details and deepened the grooves fractionally, but the main part of the update is to curve the front plate ever so slightly.


Having stared at the MotM exhibit for far too long.... it was time.


Here's the original knee.





Here's my updated version.

(it's in Silver... just because that's what I had lying about...).











All comments/criticisms welcome... A fresh pair of eyes is always a good thing.

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Brutal... just... ugh...










It looks like you've gotten the shape and proportion down very well. How does it look sitting on the knee?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

And seeing as I never seem to stop...


Apart from the Lid updates, I tackled the chest plate and back plates again today.


widened the neck a fraction, canted the outer edges of the shoulder straps downwards and added the little notch in to the bottom of the chest plate.


(It's rough trimmed around the edges at the moment, needs sanding smooth).




then had to re-match up the straps to the back plate.

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