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Merquise XIII Armor Done

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Okay, we finished everything up (except gloves, we are currently working on those but wanted to get the rest up for judging.)


Please let me know if there's anything you think will keep it from passing. I'm looking to just pass right now, and then go back and start working and improving for pathfinder.


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not bad. i have two bits of feedback:


1) raise the thigh boxes in the back a bit so they lay more evenly.


2) the bund closer should be the other way - with back right side overlapping the back left (same as the closure on the right boot)




lastly, without sith armour making gloves, everyone is desparate to find a suitable replacement. looks like yours are close, but are missing the V on the top of the wrist. i'm not sure if these are clearable. i'd check with your GML and see what she/he says.


hope these help

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Mark, thanks for the feedback. i'll take a look at the boxes and see where i need to do the adjustments at. Kinda hard adjusting something when you cant see it while wearing :P

Also noted the cumberbund, i didnt know which direction it should go, and 501st site didnt specify like the vest did, so we'll see if it passes. I'll make it more screen accurate in the future.

And the gloves are the B****. We tried had making them yesterday, and no such luck. Fortunately my motorcycle gloves are close(unfortunately i now have to buy new gloves before winter). We added the V pattern and the suede patches after these pics were taken and updated pics were sent to GML. Also took apart all the extra pieces that would hold it back (straps, logos, etc). Lets hope they pass them, really want to troop an event this saturday.

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Well, it came back that i needed to change the stripes on the back of the helmet (no short stripes), move the boxes back,(easily done), and then the pouches needed to be on the edge of the rib and higher towards thearmor. Just redid everything and resubmitted pics. Not going to upload here, theyre on my blog empirialmotorcyclescout.blogspot.com


Here's hoping!

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