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TB-6539 Requesting Lancer (APPROVED)


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Hi Sara. You're looking good. What I'd like to see if some basic front, back, and side pics in a nice lighted setting. Sort of like if you were submitting for approval again. Pictures of you in motion aren't the best, because your armor can move on you and not look right. I may have issues with your thigh boxes being a tad too high, and they also seem to not sit evenly on your thighs (looks like the back strap is shorter causing the back to sit higher then the front.) If you can get us the picture I mentioned earlier, that may clear things up.

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Sara thank you for the app, you are going to need to post some detailed pictures of all the components seperate, have a look back at previous apps to see how its done.


All the pictures of the parts should be in the first post (pdf file).

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They need to be posted on this site! Host them on photo bucket or similar and post here, its too hard to flip between sites, they need to be here for us to see, its just easier for future apps to look at whats needed much like what I asked in the last reply.


I need things like close up of vest, flight suit, armour (you have one flipped over in each picture, I good shot of you fron on with your arms down.


I would also suggest (although not in the CRL yet) a new set of knees with the correct return to attach the elastic to, these are now readily available from vendors for little cost. But I wouldnt turn your app down for that, if we can get you through quickly. But they do look much better with it on


Pouches need to be wider apart to show the ribbing as per CRL


Thank you

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Also, when we see you from behind I can see the white from your bund between your legs. That can't be visible.


Yeah, I know. Normally you can't see it. Must have pulled the bund up too high in the back. I'll get you better photos next week.


By the way, about the armour details. Do you prefer the detail-photos of armour when I'm wearing it, or just lying on the floor?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Forearm armor outside



Forearm armor inside



Shoulder armor outside



Shoulder armor inside



Biceps armor outside



Biceps armor inside



Knee outside



Knee inside



Thermal detonator outside



Thermal detonator inside



Belt front



Belt inside



Front armor and pouches



Back armor



Tank top



Tank under

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Helmet front and right side



Helmet back



Helmet front and left side






Flightsuit front



Flightsuit back



Cummerbund front



Cummerbund back



Flakvest front



Flakvest back



Gloves outside



Gloves inside



Boots side



Boots other side



Boots front



Boots back

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Thank you, Sara! Marcel is off on vacation right now so we need to wait until he gets back, or chimes in from Mexico lol. My only issue at this point, is the stitching pattern on the dog bones on your boots. They look more like the letter "C" when they should look more like " (( ". But we'll wait until the boss comes back to make the final call. Everything else looks great though. Great job Sara!

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Thank you, Sara! Marcel is off on vacation right now so we need to wait until he gets back, or chimes in from Mexico lol. My only issue at this point, is the stitching pattern on the dog bones on your boots. They look more like the letter "C" when they should look more like " (( ". But we'll wait until the boss comes back to make the final call. Everything else looks great though. Great job Sara!


Hehe ok, let's wait for Marcel. He made the boots so we'll see what he says.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im here :0). As we dont really have an exact template on the stitching ect, as long as a stitch is there to replicate a c shape thats good enough in my eyes, Its just the way I like to sew them but they do differ each time slightly, so alls good.


Good looking scout hun, fits you well.


As I said have a small issue with there being no return on the knees to attach the top straps too, and would urge you to get replacments. But as you are already going through lancer clearance I will let it pass. Same goes for anyone already in the application process. I do feel future apps will need the returns as it has been in the CRL for a while now.

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Yes agreed with the knee situation for all would be Lancers, The Lancer CRL was udated well over a year ago by Marcel and myself so there should be no reason for this to happen, its no biggy and i don't want this to hold up this suit as the rest is well put together and i'am happy with it, But i'am good mood but others may not be so lucky....Mwahahahahah! LOL

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Yeah, I've been drooling over those knees with a return edge for a while now but haven't really had the money for it. I'll get them with my next paycheck in the middle of May :)


Thank you all! :D *parteeeey*

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