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JPMAS Armor Build

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Hello All,


As some of you may know a few weeks ago I received some not so well made armor and returned it. I am happy to announce that I am the proud owner of some new armor from a Master Craftsman of Biker Scout Armor! I am currently adjusting the armor to fit comfortably with my flight suit, vest and CB. Below are some pictures as I go through the process. Again I have to thank the Craftsman who helped a fellow biker scout when he was in trouble!



I am currently working on the belt assembly (going to reference the online forum)and will post pics once completed. Any input and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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Just Finished adding the Holster and I had to modify the heels to add the line in the sole. The soles were cut with a single line so I added pieces on the boot to give it the look for Lancer Specs.



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Thanks! And I took your advice to practice on milk jugs to get a feel for the rivets. I broke one rivet gun in the process, but the second one I bought was a higher model and seems to work pretty well. Finishing adjusting all the straps and soft armor and will be posting pics of the full suit by Friday. Thanks for all your help. Still trying to figure out the best way to adjust the belt. I did sew the back straps to the belt and it looks pretty good and as for the TD I just used zip ties for now but would like to have something a little nicer and more secure. Looking for the Alice clips.


Thanks again for all your help during my build!

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The best way to adjust the belt is on the drop boxes.


Get the backs in place so they sit underneath your thermal det (as you have done). Then adjust the height of the boxes by shortening or lengthening the straps around the buckles. When they are in the right place, glue or stitch them.


If you punch the cable ties through the belt, and then pull them tight, that should be more than sufficient. If you can't fix it with cable ties or gaffa tape, you've really broken it!



Looking good.

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Thanks Chef for that tip! I think that would work great and would make the velcro a little more secure, going to try that tonight. Everything is looking awesome and getting ready to submit my application to the 501st.


Thanks! :duim:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


Here is a pic of my armor build that I completed on Friday, I have not gotten pics of me in the correct format (sides, front, back etc that show all details).

I am having trouble with my CB as you can see they are really low. Is there a reccomended area on where the pouches should be placed? and what do you reccommend to keep that darn thing up? DSC00145_zps5cf997b5.jpgDSC00147_zps09f2ffbb.jpg


Thanks again!

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Hey bud, there are a number of ways to do this.


They need to sit pretty much just under the chest armour.


You can either sew them to the bund (top edge only), or you can add a strip of velcro to the inside of your chest armour and stick them on that way.


Ultimately how you do it doesn't matter, as long as the placement is right.



I'd pull your bund up about an inch or so, so the top edge sits in line with your chest armour straps, and that the bottom of it sits along the belt line (so there's no bund protruding below your belt).


that's my advice.

hope it helps


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I had the same problem with my bund sagging. I used a pair of elastic suspenders from Walmart, $7. I originally had a HD pair of suspenders, but they were a little to heavy. This worked out great on a troop this weekend. As for the pouches I used velcro. I pined the hook part to the bund & placed the loop on the backside of the pouch. Now I test fitted the pouch, put on the bund & looked in the mirror. I adjusted accordingly.

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I also used suspenders in the past, which I made from some black webbing and some suspender clips. But I recently switched to velcro instead. I added 4 white loop strips, 4" inches each, to the front and back of the bund, and corresponding black fuzzy pieces to the front and back of the vest. As for which is the best I really can't say, both methods work fine.


My pouches are attached to the chest armor with sticky velcro on the inside and fuzzy on the pouches.


Good luck!

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