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First Armor build!

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Looks great!

After 2 troops already, I realized that my aker amp was too heavy to put in my pouch so I actually put it in my flightsuit pocket instead (the outside pocket, not the "inner" pocket because that was sewed off per specs). I then poked a small hole through the pocket on the inside and threaded the wire through and ran it under my flightsuit, up the collar, and in to my mic in my helmet. I'm thinking about getting a smaller bluetooth speaker and a bluetooth enabled headset, but my current rig works just fine for now ("if it ain't broke...")


Had the same problem with the knee armor slippage. If it's really bad, think about adding some padding with the velcro. (Check out my thread "Knee armor slippage" in the Armory section... I got a lot of good advice from fellow members).


Had the same prob with the helmet being too big, too. Got a cheap set of motorcycle helmet pads and stuffed them inside. Very comfy, a little tight around the ears sometimes, but it fits so well the helmet doesn't even wobble when I shake my head or look down. Other people have used foam or a hardhat liner inside.




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Oh wow, they make bluetooth amps? That sounds awesome. I've seen some complicated wireless systems but bluetooth could potentially simplify things. I'll work out the helmet fit sometime this weekend with some extra padding I have and maybe get around to adding the velcro to the flightsuit (if my wife is willing! haha).

I do have the 3M headband kit so maybe I'll try and get that working as well so I can keep my visor up. Thanks for the help everyone! I'll try and post more appropriate "sizing" pictures soon!

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Interesting...I've actually never been on 501st.com. I get all my info from here and seeing as how the Lancer specs here were just recently updated I assume the 501st website hasn't followed along yet?

Can anyone clarify whether or not this is the case?

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Yea, I made an new post to see if it can get cleared up. Not the biggest issue in the world - worst case I will just use silver and if someone complains take a minute and throw some white on them. I also asked on my 501st build page as well since that is the person who will actually be certifying me I guess

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The 501st page takes longer to update. The requirements listed at the detachment sites should always be accessed for the most up to date info.*


Aside from that, your suit is looking great, Shaun! I'm inspired to get the updates complete on my suit as well. Great having a fellow trooper over.


* That said, I feel it is a somewhat broken component of our organization. It would be best to either do away with the 501st pages or make them the one-true-source. Or at least compromise and put a notice at the top along the lines of "requirements may have changed, please reference detachment specs". Direct links to the up-to-date reqs should be provided as well.

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  • 3 months later...

So then what happens next? Did Shaun get in and just never return to BS.n like so many others?


Did he run into some unforeseen difficulty that kept him from getting his TK-ID?



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  • 1 month later...

I am so terrible at updating my threads! I'm going to start the process of taking application pics. Any tips? So excited to finally be a real member of the 501st!

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I just recently did a troop with a new voice amp. I had it in a pocket on the cummerbund, but got drowned out because of the open area I was in. Trying Velcro behind my chest piece next, maybe better to have the sound bouncing off something closer.


Jurassic st go through and double check everything. Go with front, back, both sides, bucket off and some type of pose. Be sure in the images everything can be seen, maybe do closeups for more detailed parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here we go!

I've been approved by the 501st! I'm just waiting for my number assignment. :) What do you guys think?

Post is pic heavy!































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My advice is to submit for Lancer. That is a seriously good looking Scout!

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Side view of your knee looks like you have a few loose strings on your under suit at thigh level. Bucket seems a tad big for your build but that's just me nitpicking. You should get out on the woods and snap a few woodland photos like you're in the field.

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I noticed those strings as well. Took care of them this morning. :)

The bucket does look a tad big...I wanted a fiberglass one so I went for a CB, but I (like everyone else) wishes it was a LW! haha

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