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First Armor build!

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Hello everyone! After a very long time, I am finally able to begin my first TB build! I've just received my gorgeous MC armor and can't wait to get started.

If you take a look at my signature you can get a feel for my overall progress. The biggest bummer has been the fact that I messed up my measurements on the jumpsuit and vest, and need help knowing how to fix it on my own or with the help of a friend or two ;)


Here is a picture of what came in the glorious mail today!




Needless to say, I'm excited. Any tips on where to start??


Thanks guys!

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Oh also, can anyone direct me to someone in the Northern California/San Francisco Bay Area garrison? I would love to get some hands on help if possible. An armor build would be a great way to be introduced to some potential future trooping buddies!

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Hi there and great choice of custome ;) - you might take a look at Pandatroopers build in the armor section and get some idea on, what, where and so :D regarding the suit and vest - are those to big or small ? I live in Denmark, so I don´t know about a nearby Garrison, but I´m sure, that you´ll get some help from the others members in here for that too. Hav fun with your build. Cheers

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Thanks Heavy! On the flightsuit end of things, both the flightsuit and vest are too small in the back...Meaning I can't put my arms out in front of myself, and the sleeves are too short. :/ On the cummerbund, I just need like an inch more wiggle room to put it on fully. Its making me feel like I'm fat (I'm 5' 11" and weigh 140 haha) because I can't velcro it shut all the way haha.


I will definitely check out Pandatroopers build! Thanks!

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Going out tomorrow to pick up some essential tools for the build.

-I have a heat gun and know that I need some E6000 or goop (I've also been told to check out CA glue. Is there a specific type of CA glue?)

-I've also read that I should get some Lexan scissors in case I need to trim the armor.

-Pop Rivet gun.

Am I missing anything?


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Sweet! Whats the MC armor made of? Trying to cut armor with scissors I couldn't imagine! Go get you a dremel. My dremel is the most used tool in my shop. As far as trooping buddies go, I think you'll want to give a shout out to the Golden Gate garrison. My friends Beau and Michelle are in that one and they live in San Fran. Your best bet on the soft armor is to find a local seamstress/alterations shop. Take the items in personally and tell em to make it fit you.

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I'm pretty sure the MC armor is ABS. Really sturdy, but shapeable with some heat. I tested the heat gun on the belt and after a bit was able to start to form it.

Any recommendations for a certain dremel? All I have near me is a Lowes.

Strangely with the alterations, every tailoring store I've called around me does not do alterations on custom items. I thought that that was very strange, but I have yet to look for a shop that was specifically for alterations, or a seamstress that is local. To be honest, I don't really know where to look for someone like that. But being able to physically go somewhere for alterations would be best.


I just checked out the Golden Gate garrison and found a TB 5523 right in my neighborhood I'm going to try and reach out to.

Smitty, would you might shooting me a PM with your friends emails? I couldn't seem to find them on the 501st map.

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I use the term Dremel loosly. I actually use a black and decker rotary tool. But a dremel is pretty much a dremel. Dremel is actually a name brand. Looking for a local alteration shop, start with google and see what comes up. I don't have email addys for my friends out there. Just phone numbers. Im not sure how much experience they have with scout stuff. I think Michelle is working on one though. Beau is a Tusken and Michelle is generally a TK.

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Ok cool. I'll check out what they've got at my Lowes. I'll contact the TB's that live near me. As far as progress on the build goes, I just painted all of the greeblies, the tank topper, and added the grey vinyl strip on the chest plate. I want to get on to the meat of the build but kinda feel like I need to have my soft armor issues worked out first.





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I had a question about those actually. Are the greebles included with the MC armor (the ones pictured in my above post) Lancer approved? I know it's my first Scout build, but I'd love to shoot for Lancer. When I ordered my armor I made sure to let them know that I wanted the "lancer approved" pouches and materials. Are the Don Jarr greebles the only acceptable greebles for the TD?


Should I also go for the T-bits? It looks like they have more detail than the ones included with the MC armor. The square bits also look slightly "taller"...which I remember reading is more accurate...

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Well, I bought the full set of Don Jarr greebles. Haha. I also bought a rivet gun and the cheapest dremel I could find (200 series). I figure Ill start on the holster first. The vinyl that I made my boots from (marine vinyl from JoAnn's) seems too thin to hold up the holster though...is this normal or should I be worried?

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I figure Ill start on the holster first. The vinyl that I made my boots from (marine vinyl from JoAnn's) seems too thin to hold up the holster though...is this normal or should I be worried?


The boot will sag a bit when you put your gun into it, that's normal, and it can even sag a bit with just the holster. Once you put the boot on, most of it will probably go away however. There are some solutions to fasten it to your leg (velcro, elastics etc), but I would recommend that you wait with those until you have everything completed in order to see how it looks.

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I put the holster on and it actually holds really well! I'll put up a picture later in an edit. I'm also working on attaching the tank assembly to the back plate, and had a question about how they connect. Is there supposed to be a large gap between the tank and the back plate? I was looking at Pandatroopers build and saw that he used a heat gun to minimize the gap...is this necessary for lancer status?

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It seems like the MC armor has a gap and is a bit wonky. I had to fiddle around with the bottom screw to get it better and I ended up adding a piece of plastic on the inside.


You can check 7995's thread on how he did it, I basically copied his method: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9539&st=0&p=79061entry79061 . It involves changing the angle of the screw and the wing nut on the inside.


The SC armor has a protrusion for the tank so it's no so visible, but I haven't tried bending mine into shape, so if you're up for it I'm interested in the result :)


Even now however mine has a small gap (2-3 mm), but I have a small screwdriver in my kit so I adjust the bottom screw during troops if I find it getting loose. Unfortunately people thinks that the biker scout doorbell is placed there, so they will give it a good wack, and ask for a photo. Good thing that the helmet hides the steam coming out of my ears...

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Cool. I checked out that thread. Its super informative and a good read! I'm still a bit confused about how to change the angle of the screw and wingnut...could you clarify the process? Do you mean that you took a piece of plastic and glued over the hole and re-screwed it that way?


Also, here is a couple pics of my boot with the holster on:





I'm hoping to find a local seamstress to help out with my soft armor soon.

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Cool. I checked out that thread. Its super informative and a good read! I'm still a bit confused about how to change the angle of the screw and wingnut...could you clarify the process? Do you mean that you took a piece of plastic and glued over the hole and re-screwed it that way?


Yes, that's what I did in order to try and get the screw at a different angle. Actually I think I used a small piece of plastic with half a hole in it on one side, just to push the screw towards the tank more.


Try to play around a bit with the screw to try and find a good angle, and then try to get the screw to stay that way.


Nice boots!

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Cool. I'll mess around with it and see what I can come up with. At this point I'm trying to finish whatever I can with separate armor pieces while I wait to figure out my Soft Armor business.


Thanks for the compliment on the boots! Let me tell you, cutting those grooves was very interesting. haha

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Great news! I found someone to help me make all of my soft armor alterations! I should have them all done by the end of April. In the meantime I'm going to keep plucking away at the armor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First round of soft armor alterations went well. A few more sessions and it'll all be worked out. In the meantime, I had a few questions about attaching greeblies. I went ahead and purchased the Don Jarr greeblies, and I also have the MC greeblies that came with my armor.

Are the T-bits from Don Jarr or MC more accurate?






Don Jarr:




Anybody else have either sets of greeblies? The main difference is that the Don Jarr T-bit greeblies have extra detail on the right side of the bottom piece, and the bottom piece is a bit smaller overall. The ones pictured above I haven't painted. The MC pieces are painted.


Also, with the TD, I've encountered a problem and wanted to see if it was a normal problem. I think it should be self-explanatory with the following pics:


TD with greeblies sitting on top

& the problem:





Any ideas or thoughts on what to do with this? Weren't the Don Jarr greeblies supposed to "just fit"?

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There is a an issue with the DJ greeblie and the MC TD. What I, and most people, have done is to add a small piece of plastic underneath it. I made mine slightly smaller and painted it black, so it looks like a the greeblie is thicker than it is. Either that or fill it out with bondo will work just fine.

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You know, I've seen that Bondo seems to be an instrumental part of some builds, but I've never gone out and bought any.

What exactly do I need to look for? I have a Lowe's near my house and thats about it. Is it something that can be purchased there?

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Southscout, is there a thread somewhere on the forum that shows the execution of an additional piece of plastic underneath the greeblies? I would love to see how others have done it.

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