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scratchbuilding Biker Scout helmet

Guest Zacic

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Guest Zacic

Im off to the races with this! I want it done YESTERDAY too!


started off by measuring my head and adjusting the 3d model to the right scale.


then using pepakura viewer I printed off all 16 pages, which is quite small for papercraft, and now im starting to cut all the parts out.



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Crack on there buddy.


I used Pep for a slightly different build, and once you get your head round the numbers, cutting and folding, it's actually a really good thing to use.

Depending on how you're planning on progressing after the paper stage....


I'd probably consider something a bit studier than paper.


I used paper for my bucks, and in essence I ended up covering the inside with a large amount of Fibreglass, and the outside with a large amount of bondo. It did end up particularly heavy!

Something to consider...


I think a lot of people use Sintra as their base material because it is sturdy and accepts a resin such as GRP resin without the need for adding glass.

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Guest Zacic

thanks Chef, Ive worked with Papercraft a lot in the past, and also Sintra, for a couple of Boba Fett helmet, and a few Anime ones. I used the papercraft method for a jango helmet and it worked quite well, using the figerglass to build up and smooth the helmet.


Im using a heavy cardstock now, if I had to compare it to something it would be 1mm sintra, not as sturdy but it really soaks up resin.


the jango helmet was really an experiment and I did a drop test from 2 stories high and it didnt crack, so....I have high hope :D

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Cool, as long as you've got it covered.


Would hate you to put in a large stack of effort only to find yourself stuck later on down the line.

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Guest Zacic

thanks! Im half way through cutting out all the parts. after this I may go back and make a flat pattern of it, like I've seen for the boba fett build over on TDH.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope you resized enough. There's 2 different pepakura files out there (if you found the ones on rpf like me). One is made for 11x17 and the other is 8x11. The one that prints on 8x11 is at least 10% too big. I made the visor and face from that to fit on the modified Star Fortress bucket. The KS helmet literally can fit inside of it.

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The one I printed (setup for 8x11) has 21 pages of pieces. The 11x17 one (says it's by Dungbeetle) is 17 pages with 2 extra pages for author credit. The big difference is the 11x17 has concentric circles for the top of the dome, and the 8x11 has 4 wedges.


I've been having fun slowly trying to build something recognizable although clearly oversized to fit on this dome that I bought because I don't want it to go to waste. Also glad I now have a KS to build for 501st approval and comparison, too.

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Guest Zacic

Thanks for all the interest and help guys! and its definetly the correct scaled Pep file. I finished cutting all the parts out yesterday and made a fair bit of progress today on it, trying not to glue my fingers together.



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Looks good. That pep is definitely simpler than the ones I have. The front of the visor is 2 pieces in the one I printed and the snout was a lot more complex. You're gonna have to indent it and carve up a little once you've firmed it up, but it looks like it was MUCH easier to put together.


There's a little bit of a curve to the brow right above the eyes. I don't think any of the pep files take that into account. I just built up a row of bondo and slowly smoothed it to the right shape. That'd be easier to do with the visor and face as separate pieces, but I can see the connection there helps keep the shape with the paper. I'm interested to see what you do with it once all the papercraft is done and you start hardening.


My build is sitting on a shelf mostly unfinished because I realized how comically large it was going to end up being. Also I got my KS helmet in the mail to work on. I might ask you for this pep file if I can't straighten out the wonky parts of the KS visor. It seems lately a lot of people have gotten iffy pulls from them.

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Guest Zacic

thanks, I know their is a lot of work to be done on it but with papercraft, I think its the simplier the better, the small extra details id rather add in later, and this pep is quite simple, but the unfold is a bit bothersome, if you want it, allow me to re-unfold it to correct a few annoying issues part wise.

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I had a friend build one and he is the kind who blindly follows instructions. When he showed it to me, he had built the little box and cylinder of the snout detail because it was included in the pep file. I told him to let me stiffen it up with fiberglass, sintra, etc and we'd pull one on my vac table or make a silicone mold. The answer I got was "I worked hard on this and I'm not gonna just give it away." Really confusing. It's still sitting at his house, just cardstock with tape and glue.

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Guest Zacic

that is pretty confusing, I plan on fiberglassing this up and then possible vac forming it, once i get my table up and running, so many side projects lol, I will probably purchase all the snout details, or make them myself, but they would be seperate.

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