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It would definitely work...


the main issue I can see is that the sole has a light and a dark section which would need to be painted through if you plan on being that anal about your costume.


This would be an issue if you're planning on going Lancer.


If you're not, this should be fine for basic clearance.


That line would weather out with a little dirt anyway, if you cant find a plain sole then go for these mate/ Just dont go for steel toe caps if poss


Thanks guys! I was just checking on these because they are on sale for a great price $29 and I wouldnt feel so bad if I messed up my first build haha. I was curious because the gum sole looked a little thin compared to others I have seen. I am still swifting through these forums for good cheap base boots. I see that payless is an option, but I looked on their site and only saw dark brown soles.


Most of us got ours at Target. They have since discontinued the Merona boot we were using and have gone to a different boot. It would still work fine, though the sole is a little softer then before.


Not a fan of the two-tone sole. I'd paint it.

Plus the sole design (though currently approved) doesn't look as easy to "carve" Lancer details in them as other boots out there.


I feel sorry for you chaps...


Decent boots over here are like 10 a penny.... Yet I went on Ebay (the US one) and couldn't find any....


So much for the Land of Plenty!


hey Chef...have a link to the UK ebay seller?...i'd be all over buying a couple pair

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