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Heavy´s TB build


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Well, having some trouble fasten the hump to the back armor, so tomorrow I´m going to take it with me to a little goodbye-party at TK/TB-7995 ´s place... hopefully he can figure out, how we can put it on ;) did get to sand all the pieces today and still need to round the corners on the bootholster before putting that on. And my bucket is allready landed here in DK, so now I just need to wait for the delievery truck...

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Does this help at all Heidi?






glue to top of the hump to the bracket, stick the bottom rivet through the bottom of the tank, and then through the back-plate. Job done!

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Thanks Rob, Yes it helps a hole lot. Only thing is that I don´t have a piece of abs, that I can bend... and the L-shaped metal bracket, that I thought could do the trick, doesn´t fit regarding the holes on top :-( Perhaps Morten has a piece that we can use tomorrow, otherwise I need to go to the toolshop and buy some abs ;)

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you don't really need any holes on the top.... As long as the tank is firmly glued to this bracket it'll be good.


The Greeblie on the top of the tank will cover up any random holes you may have made.




Please ignore the fact that this is on my Snow Scout.


Depending on your greeblie, there is normally a faux rivet cast into it (effectively behind the red stripe on this one). So you don't need to worry about a rivet detail on that bit.


On the screen used tanks, this was a real rivet, going through the greeblie and into the bracket.

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Little update: After talking with Morten (TB-7995) last saturday, I´m putting the hump like you suggested, Rob, and the belt with the side buckle (Lancer spec.) with velcro in front and back of the belt for better holding in place. ;) And I got my bucket today from SC - WEEEE looks great ! Picture later, when the kids are put to bed... so now I´m only missing the flightsuit - it´s send from the US, so I guess, I have it in a few days. My mum is almost done with the flak vest, so it looks like I´m getting to make my deadline... :D

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Just so you don't stare yourself blind on the side buckle:


From: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9508&st=20


These look great! Considering the referenced screencap, would these be acceptable for Lancer?

I cant see why not mate

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Hi Patrik ;) I guess, I must have missed something... does this mean, that I don´t have to have the side buckle for Lancer Spec. ?? because I just checked the CRL and it doesn´t say it anymore ??

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And here is the link to the photos of my SC bucket... guess I need to paint the bolts, since they´re plain metal ? and put some magnets on the visor + chin straps :Dhttp://s1246.beta.photobucket.com/user/Heidi_L_Sorensen/story/15371#

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The screen used belt attachment was a large patch of velcro, just like a TK belt.


This is a relatively new development in the grand scheme of things and may have only been changed recently.


From what I can gather you can still use the side buckle arrangement and pass Lancer.


Here is a picture of the belt arrangement.





As you can see, the belt definitely overlaps and there is NO buckle. You can also clearly see the little clips that go over the belt (not required for Lancer). The two little red circles I have highlighted are where we think that a couple of cable ties go through one section of the belt material (and the tube) attaching the Det to the belt. But we can't be 100% sure of this.


The system works though, because this is exactly how I have my belt done.

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Great Rob - I guess, that I´ll try to do the velcro instead and use the clips, which SC provided for the build, since I´ve allready put it on the TD ;) Thanks for the picture - it helps to see it...

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So little update... made the holes in the drop boxes and the belt for the straps and for the rivets in the belt... think I´m going to put some velcro inside on it to for better fasten. Also made some snaps and glued those on the belt inside for the straps aka like Pandatroopers ;) Still waiting for my flightsuit, but now it has been shipped from San Francisco on an airplane, so perhaps next week it will be here ? But I´m stuck for a hole week, because my kids have vacation from school and kindergarten :( maybe I can do some things like the elastics and chin straps for the bucket and so, when they sleep... :ph34r:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well finally got my suit from MC - and guess what - IT`S TO DAMM BIG !!! - so now I have to get my mum to help me make a 2-piece. I found a great working shirt, which with mods looks great... but I´m really disapointed over MC, because they got my measurements in advance and it took so long for them to send the suits... Guess I´m not going to be approved for my sons birthday on the first of april, but I´m going in my TB - hell yeah ! :D

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Thanks - yes I was warned about dealing with MC, but what the heck... got all the materials and pattern today, so tomorrow I´m going to make the undersuit with my mums help ;) - and when it´s done, it´s no big deal to make the straps and so for the armor. Everything is ready to be put together...

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Well it´s getting there... today I sew almost all the straps/elastics, so now the forearm, biceps and shoulder bells are finished ! :D the knees need the small elastic with the rivets + the flakvest = done. The belt also nearly done, only need to snaps in the back for the boxstraps... so tomorrow I´ll make the slots for the elastic in the front and back armor a bit bigger and put it it together with the shoulderbridge. My mum is nearly finished with the pants - the suede has to be sewn on and the mudflap needs to be made too, I´m going to cut the earholes in my bucket also, just hoping I won´t ruin it :unsure: - as it look right now, I´m going to be finished this weekend.... YES (that is, if everything goes right)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn´t quite get finished as I thought, since my gloves was a bit slower to arrive... But I got my gloves today, and well, they "fit like a glove" ;) - so tomorrow I´m of to my parents house for the final pics ... almost there now... :D

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So got reply from my GML - I need to downsize my pouches, that was the only thing, everything else was excellent. Tomorrow I´m of to my parents house to downsize those and take a new pic for approval + perhaps a better action pic with my DLT-19 rifle this time ;)

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