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ok guys - its been over 6 months since the initial call out for photos of parts. And I have yet to receive any submissions.

I of course have my own costume to get piccies off, but would love to have contributions for as many active CBs as possible


the original idea of having Mr Bungle has the head CB unfortunately cant go ahead, as I do not seem to have any pics of his armour with the YELLOW removed


submission doesnt guarantee pics will be used. I will leave this open till end of Jan 2013 - then I will submit with what ever pictures I have.


piccies need to be:

(1) well lit

(2) on as plain a background as possible, white preferrably

(3) pictures required - similar to the TB version here - http://www.501st.com/crl/TB_CRL/TB006_Biker_Scout/index006.php


pictures to be submitted to : kashyyytroopermod@gmail.com.




here is the CRL as a written document





  • Fan-made helmet
  • full set of greeblies - 2 breathers, triangle piece, five bar snout piece and visor bolts
  • rectangular slot on the visor measuring 2.5 to 2.75 inches long and 0.75 inches wide - centred in the middle of the visor
  • visor with reflective green lens
  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended



  • A balaclava is a black head sock/hood that is worn under the helmet and is used primarily to hide any view of the wearer's skin and/or facial hair.


  • base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers
  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended

Upper Arms


· specific left bicep armour shape - must have grey strap and specific grebes (grey)

· specific right bicep armour shape - must have specific greeblie (grey)

· chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended



  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended
  • 2 straps per armour piece


  • Gauntlet-style gloves - black leather to the wrists and brown gauntlet sections
  • 2 grey pads on top of each glove
  • 2 grey greeblies on brown leather gauntlet portion of the glove
  • grey belt with buckle around the wrist
  • Should have no labels/logos, clips or external straps.



  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended
  • 2 black straps connecting chest and back plates.
  • grey shoulder tabs
  • overlap of back plate on the chest plate at the sides



  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended
  • back plate has a tank attached.
    • top of the tank is flat with a detail piece painted black
    • tank has a black stripe detail.


Under Suit

  • jacket and pants or jumpsuit with the correct (or as close as possible camouflage pattern)
  • dyed appropriately with brown and black to match screen-look
  • all pockets removed
  • mandarin collar – modification or inherent in the suit
  • leg pouches measuring 7 inches by 5 inches with a biased cut flap
  • grey riding patch on inner thigh



  • dark grey base, with lighter grey vertical straps
  • cummerbund has a midsection belt that goes around it
    • 2 black vertical strips in the front

    [*]16 pouches of accepted size.

    [*]2 long front pouches

    [*]2 small rectangle front pouches

    [*]8 small side pouches

    [*]2 long back pouches

    [*]2 large rectangle back pouches

  • pouches are either cloth covered and painted with camo pattern or covered with multi-cam cloth
  • Should sit from just under the chest armour down to the waist, only a small space should visible between the bottom of the chest armour and the upper most boxes



  • grey with black insets
  • buckle - grey/gunmetal grey
  • 2 drop boxes
    • 4 straps hung from belt and belt buckle - beige or tanned colour
    • cloth covered and painted with camo pattern or covered with multi-cam cloth

Cod Piece

  • triangular in shape
  • cloth covered and painted in matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended



  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended
  • specific black/dark grey straps for each piece of knee armour.




  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended
  • to be assembled seamless
  • 2 khaki or white belts on each shin; should have following detailing:
    • black buckle
    • smaller black clip

Boot Caps

  • chrome undercoat, matt base colours and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended
  • each boot cap to have two 2 ½ inch "O" ring greeblies



  • soles to have curved shape in between the heel and sole – found item or modded shoes acceptable)
  • main body of boot to be white
  • khaki or tan soles.

Costume Accessories

  • DC15 S or DC15 L




I know my KST is not finished but I know you're happy with my paint job. If you want piccies of the armour, I'm more than happy to oblige. I'm out of the country for a while ;) as of Saturday mate, so if you want them give me a shout.




Hey Nate,

If you want, I can get pics of Alex's ("Havok" CB-4310) Kashyyyk for the CRL's and send them to you. I see that it's pretty much just a parts rundown. I can shoot some pics of all of his parts. Plus I have the two sumbission pics of the front and back, just like the TB pose. He's out of the country right now, but these two pics could possibly work.


These are the two I am talking about:






That way, we could finally have some pictures as an example for the 501st CRL's.


Whatcha think?


If these are okay, let me know, and I'll get started on the parts pics.




yeah sounds good. I am trying to get as many troopers included in the CRL run down; as a whole or in parts - so the more the merrier mate!

  • 2 weeks later...

I ran out of time to do mine before I left the UK, sorry Nath. If you still need then when I get back I'm still more than happy to do them


Ah good to know, cheers. Was worried you had no pics, reading your initial post :-)


Nice work with the CRLs by the way!


Just realised I've still got some wip pics on photo bucket. Not ideal but if my gear is good enough I can get better pics when I get home.











  • 7 months later...

right guys - trying to get a few people invovled


so I need volunteers - to submit piccies, piccies which will then be vetted/selected by Matt and myself to submit into the CRL

to ease submission - I will divide it into main parts:



(1) Full Length Shot


(2) Helmet


(3) Upper sections (separate pics of each on a white background please)

- Chest/Back armour

- bells

- biceps

- elbow

- gloves


(4) Lower sections (separate pics of each on a white background please)

- cod piece

- knees with straps

- shins

- boots and toe caps


(5) Soft parts (separate pics of each on a white background please)

- BDUs with mods

- cummerbund and boxes

- belt (include the drop boxes in pics please)



I have suitable pics from Matt and Myself. But want more of my brothers involved please!

We want to get these sorted ASAP

Please post the high res pics to kashyyytroopermod@gmail.com




more the merrier mate, BUT we do need to get cleared costumes only - but you are almost there

get those piccies in!!


also those interested in participating - lmk which of the 5 categories you want to contribute to




was super busy today and didnt get to take any pictures (was me and the wife's anniversary)

Ill get some to you probably this weekend, use as many as you want for any category


no rush DR - we got a few weeks to sort this out. But hopefully will be done by the end of the year

closing date for the call for pics will be end of Oct. After that, i will simply use what I have to hand to fill teh CRL pics.


if its not to presumptuous - I want to volunteer for the full body shot

I have made the changes suggested in the Level II/Elite status to my CB now inluding the oatmeal patch, overlapping chest/back plate and white KC replicas!

  • 3 months later...

Hey everybody,


I am currently focusing attention to completing the Kashyyyk CRL.

So, as of right now, the window is open to get it finished.

If you have the ability to submit photos, Please contact Heatshock and get them sent in.


* I have several other CRL's waiting in the wings, so the sooner the better as I will be rotating those to the top and redirecting attention onto them shortly.

  • 6 months later...
Guest Phrost

Idea: collect pictures of the shoulder bells, to show off the different camo patterns on approved KTs.

As inspiration and visual reference for people starting out... Since you probably got more pics then needed... And it's a good flat surface that don't take to much space :)

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