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Lens color

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Ok having searched and read what I could, I see people are doing both the green and the black lenses. Is there anything that states what color it should be? Or do we know if the CRL may add lens color anytime soon, or what is the overall opinion. Not happy with my current lens and planning to redo it and want to get the best, most authentic color

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The most typical used is a #5 welder's shield, which looks almost black on the helmet. It's actually a really, really dark green.





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Out of curiosity, how well does the shade 5 do against camera flashes? Just wondering since I know how goofy it looks when the flash penetrates the lens and you can see the trooper behind the mask.

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I've never has an issue with camera flash penetrating the lens. Even on relative close ups.


Obviously, if they are right up close, practically on your nose, then you may get some bleed through. But I can't say it's been a problem with mine.

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