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Well it's christmas eve and the big guy is on is way, just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year and to wish all of you a very merry christmas and a happy / healthy new year on behalf of the BSB staff and myself.


This year has seen quite a few changes within the BSN, in its overall layout with new sections added in which I thought would be of interest to the masses. I owe alot to Jim (Griffenx) for working along side me bringing my ideas to life within the BSN, web stuff is not my thing and needed his skills to do it, so thank you mate. Its been great putting faces to names in the show your face thread, and also as I am quite keen on different costume genres, it's awesome looking at your other costumes too. Most of the sections are working well, which is good news.


Something else I'm really happy about is troopers attitude changing towards the scout costume standards in general. When I put my neck on the line to update our CRL quite a while ago, to include some major components that had been left out. I got quite a bit of flak over it, but reading threads now we all seem to be striving to go that one step higher all the time for a closer to screen look, with discussions being posted all the time about certain components, which we never really had in depth. I hear all sorts of good things from many troopers, which makes it all worth while. Yes Ive had a couple of doubters post pm's at first, but in general good things more so recently. It is what we needed to move forward, the scout isnt a so so costume, it's a fantastic costume when done right, and deserved to have more recognition as a worthy costume along side any of the others in the legion.


I think you all deserve a massive pat on the back, in keeping the BSN the friendly informative place it is. We have seen quite a lot of new members this year, injecting ideas keeping it fresh and fun around here. The BSN has allways been one of the friendliest detachmants and I'm proud to call this home.


I'd also like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the staff from myself, and on behalf of all the troopers for all your hard work throughout the year.


Well thats about it, enjoy christmas and new year celebrations. Be safe, have fun and look forward to anouther great year in 2013


Peace and love to you all



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Guest Jsweeney200

happy christmas to everyone and i wish you all best of luck in the new year too


Looking forward to another awesome year in 2013! Happy Holidays troops! :)






It's been a pleasure this year, getting to know everyone better and seeing this costume progress to the point to where I think we have one of the best looking in the Legion. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Pathfinders near and far, and SO happy knowing that there will be lots of KTs in the future.

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