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Is this undersuit approvable?


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I'm sure you all know where this comes from, but I'll be circumspect about it. (LOL - watermarks anyone?) Anyway, my question is would this undersuit be approvable?




I really like the fact that the flak vest is "built in" - I know it's not canon, but when suited up you can't tell, and that's all that counts as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather have my costume be practical than exact, especially if you can't tell the difference.

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Guest BenPass

From what I've read today, SWP is a member of this forum, and that setup is allowable for 501st standards. From what I understand, the "vest" sleeves need to be cut off so that a separate vest can be layered on overtop to fit with Lancer standards. I'm actually in talks with him over eBay right now to see if he's willing to make the alteration. I had also talked to LSFU, but she's got a 9 month waiting list at the moment.

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I would say no it cant clear as is not accurate enough, basically for standard clearance in theory a one piece would work, As its only Lancer that requires the parts to be seperate. BUT there is no seperate wide neck line or 2" rear velcro fastening on the vest, so with that in mind id say not its not good enough and wouldnt even make standard clearance.

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IMO...get a suit like Redkap, or Speedway, mod your suit, and then make or purchase a vest. In the end, you'll spend less on it than this one and won't have to mod it later. That's my 2 cents... :)

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I don't see what the big deal is with it required to be separate from the vest. When suited up its impossible to tell if they are separate or not. This is the route I'm taking with my scout costume wether I get standard clearance or not.

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That looks like the best way to go I suppose. It appears that the Speedways are discontinued, and those Redkaps look a bit baggy, at least to me.


I just got my Redkaps in yesterday. They weren't that baggy at all. Maybe a little bit in the legs, but he entire upper portion was pretty snug. I have a 40" chest. I ordered the 40 Regular. Pretty perfect fit.

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I have the Redkap 42R Long, and just altered the legs a bit to make them less baggy. I'm a tall skinny dude...works for me. Of course, I added other mods like the riding patch, elastic straps, butt flap, and then the collar closure. But all in all, total cost was under $50.

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I don't see what the big deal is with it required to be separate from the vest. When suited up its impossible to tell if they are separate or not. This is the route I'm taking with my scout costume wether I get standard clearance or not.


Sorry bud but it is easy to tell, you will not have the required seperate from the suit wide neck line to the vest which is an important characteristic and also it wont have the 2" rear velcro closure again very important. Both very easy to see from the back above the back plate at the neck line. With these not in place in the pictured suit, would make it unacceptable for clearance. The CRL states a vest and bund is needed, with this method it goes against the CRL so should not be cleared.

The only part which is not obvious once dressed is if the vest is seperate from the bund, which is why for lancer we ask for picrures of all parts (i know lancer is not an issue here, just saying)


My advice is not to go this route, its false economy in the long run

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Thanks for the clarification Marcel. I've had a discussion with another trooper who filled me in on a few things so I will be going a different route. Not sure what soft parts I'll be going with now but it won't be swprops.

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In the past it would be approvable, but not now. The vest needs to be separate. This is the suit I got approved on, and I cut off the vest sleeves when I got a vest from LSFU. I did have a friend who he made a suit for and didn't incorporate the sleeves on when they requested that..but I'm not sure if he would do that for everyone. He needs to just change it now and not include them since standards have changed. The suit does fit good though..has done me good with a lot of troops.

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I have one as my undersuit, I cut the vest part off and use a seperate vest and it works wonderfully. The one big thing with the one piece jumpsuit that a lot of people fail to think about is that the suspenders for the cummerbund, if you use them as a lot of us do, are supposed to go under the vest. With the vest built in like that the suspender straps will be visible unless you use velcro to hide them under the chest armor as best you can. To answer your question even for basic 501st approval it requires the vest and jumpsuit to be separate, so no while it is worth the money IMO the suit by itself is not 501st ready.

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Guest JDWicks

Hello all First I would like to say I am new to the forum and have learned alot already from the reading. Great stuff looking forward to joining the 501st when my uniform is complete.


Now for the information on this suit. From reading what everyone has said that it would not pass the Lancer specks with the built in Flak Vest and this might be a problem for some, I spoke with the seller on Ebay of these suits and he has agreed to remove the Flak Vest for anyone who wants it done that way. He said he has been getting request about leaving the Vest off but didn't understand why. I explained the situation from what I read on the forums about Lancer specks and a seperate Flak Vest. Anyway He said anyone who wants the suit without the Vest attached can get it with no problems...



I just thought I would pass this information along.



Looking forward getting involved anyway I can.




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  • 2 months later...

I ordered this suit and it finally arrived today. I can't complain at all. Its a great suit. It took a long time to get it tho as far as Ebay transactions go. Took about 55 days to arrive.

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Hello all First I would like to say I am new to the forum and have learned alot already from the reading. Great stuff looking forward to joining the 501st when my uniform is complete.


Now for the information on this suit. From reading what everyone has said that it would not pass the Lancer specks with the built in Flak Vest and this might be a problem for some, I spoke with the seller on Ebay of these suits and he has agreed to remove the Flak Vest for anyone who wants it done that way. He said he has been getting request about leaving the Vest off but didn't understand why. I explained the situation from what I read on the forums about Lancer specks and a seperate Flak Vest. Anyway He said anyone who wants the suit without the Vest attached can get it with no problems...



I just thought I would pass this information along.



Looking forward getting involved anyway I can.





Thats is correct!!! I can make the suit without the vest... and make it the vest separate like lancer specs. Also, I can do any modification and change any details. Remember, I make custom suits and any special requirements is possible to make.

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