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Guest BenPass

so apparently i cant sew very well, would the ribbed sleeves sewed onto the undersuit pass muster or does it HAVE to be separate, i know for lancer it does but i'm not going for lancer.


I'm just a newbie, so take what I say worth a grain of salt, but SWP claims to be 501st approved and he's got the vest sewn into the jumpsuit. Like you said, that wouldn't be Lancer approved, but from what I understand, it does fulfill basic requirements for 501st.

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Guest BenPass

That one I'm not sure about. Sorry :( Like I said, I'm very new, and haven't figured that much out yet. From the pics of SWP, it looks like it's just vest sleeves.

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SWP is a member of this forum and does provide a suit with the vest built-in. Although not accurate, there are a few topics on this subject, check them out (search for flak vest). The best option is to have a separate flak vest, and it's not really that hard to make. I made mine using a t-shirt as a template, and added the ribbed sleeves. There are also some reputable sellers here that make awesome, accurate vests.

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I answered this in anouther thread, to have an accurate vest it needs to have a wide neck line and seperate rear 2" velcro closure which, by just having sleeves on the flight suit wouldnt be accurate enough in my eyes. If asked my opinion I would turn a costume made in this way down for clearance

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I am a GML for my garrison. Just the sleeves sewn onto a jumpsuit, i would not clear. The suit mentioned above, has the entire vest look built into the jumpsuit i believe, and if that is the case, for standard clearance, i would allow that.

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