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Upgrading MC boots to Lancer spec

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I was looking at my Mon Cal boots made in 2011. They are really great but need changes to reach Lancer spec.

I have a few questions.


Does the Velcro at the back need to be 25 mm exactly? Mine seem to be 20 mm.


Cutting the sole: so I just need to cut the sole such that there are two stacked rectangles where the groves are?


I noticed that there is a thin layer of the sole that is browny-green. I think it's about 8 mm high below where the vinyl starts. Does this need to be painted? If so, what should I paint the sole with?



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Yes the sole will need to be painted to be a single tan colour. The cuts in the sole are not strict as long as you have slots in there, it doesnt need to be stacked either, but a upto you if you want to do that. The siera boots came in plain slot and stacked as seen in the mom exhibet pictures in the gallery. But we know there are mistakes in that reference so thats not 100%.

I would say go with the 25mm rear closure velcro, its not a big job to un pick and redo, you could get away with just doing the veclro on the outer skin of the boots so the stitch lines look correctly spaced on the out side, no need to do both sides as the inner skin is not seen

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Sounds like a good choice. I am repainting my bucket with Krylon this afternoon. Already done the primer level.


The Krylon fusion can says there's no need for priming so when I get the right coloured Krylon for the boots, I won't need to prime. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have any tips on how to make the cut out bits look more even? I'm just using a sharp box cutter which is great for removing bulk, Do you use putty to make things look evened out? Is it worth bothering since the general public won't be crouching down to look at it?

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Yeah, Exacto makes all sorts of different blades. The chisel blade works well because the width of the blade is just about perfect for the squares. When it's fresh, the blade will sink right into the boot rubber and you can easily cut out the chunk. BUT, it takes some time so get comfortable! ;)


I also used a craft paint made for rubber in a "wheat" color for the soles.



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One of these? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/221147798476?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649


So they get blunt a bit and that's why I should get more than one?


I've already started on the one of my boots. The bottom slots I've done look a lot better because one side is open already. The top slots I've done look worse - like the removed bit is a peakless pyramid.

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The paint I use is made by "Folk Art" and the color is "Teddy Bear Tan". It's a nice wheat-like color. For the cuts, I use the chisel blade and sink it in on the four sides of the square, and then on the last side, I dig it under and out. I do not use that corner tool. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought a set of X-acto knives in a little box set and restarted work on the soles.


Here's a picture of the most recent section I did with X-acto. I plan on doing more slots above in the front end section when I get a new #17 blade - I accidentally broke the last one.



This is a closeup of the heel on the other side. I think it's not pretty but am assuming that it won't look so bad once the paint goes on and don't think many people will see unless they get down on all fours.



I think when the cutting is finished, I'll remove the vinyl before spray painting. The vinyl needs reglueing anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

I've updated my boots.


I used Krylon Camoflage to repaint the soles one colour. I really like the way they look and feel with the slots cut in. However, they still look better from a foot away because my X-acto skills haven't been perfected. (Side note: I think the reason the vinyl above the dogbone looks like it is sticking out is because the holster is weighing things down a little.)




At extremely close range, it's still possible to see where the old stitching was:



Definitely not so much a little further back:


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