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Hey folks,

Long time... I will be back on the board more often as I have just landed a new job so I will be "computer-bound" more often.


Quick question... I have seen a tutorial out there in the past on another site that shows step-by-step instructions for modifying a Don Post lid. I cannot seem to find it or a good resource.


I am finishing up my custom Scout (resin MLCv1) lid and need to reinforce the inside with metal strips (inside top of brow and inside the bottom edge) as the resin tends to lose shape from time to time.


If anyone has better recommendations, please let me know.


The below custom job of course is not "canon" but I do not mind.

It will have a black (Shadow) and silver color design and I have a mirrored motorcycle lense that I will be adding. :D


Here are some pics so far::: \m/ customShadowScout_1.jpg







AND my TB collection thus far....

2 Altmann's, 2 MLCv1, 1 MLCv3 (w/ FXv2 Stormtrooper lids - and yes, I do like the FX lids although not film accurate ;))






I hear ya Chex... :D

Slow going but I should be done with my boots soon (the only thing I am lacking having finished).


Thanks for the PDF Barry. Nice tutorial too! I am not sure if the coat hanger wire solution will work with my resin lid.

The resin is very sturdy when cool yet will change shape ever so slightly if heated up (being in the sun, etc...).


A tutorial I have seen in the past shows the moder securing long, thin metal pieces that bend and hold the lids shape.

I would prefer seeing/reading a similar tutorial before attempting myself in case I fudge it up. :P:wacko:



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