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Southscout MC armour build thread

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So at last I can start my own build thread since my package from MC turned up yesterday :D Everything was neatly packed up and looked perfect!




The customary layout of every bit and piece, although I use a table just to be a bit unorthodox (yes, it's a Lego sail barge up in the top right corner, my son wanted in on all the excitement):



The bucket, MLC unpainted. This is my biggest worry since I want it to look perfect...



So after around 6 months of waiting, everything is finally here. But what the h-ll do I start with... ;) Current plan is to start to sand a bit on the greeblies and some edge here and there on the armor, before painting the greeblies.


I already have a question for all you super-TBs out there: the belt, do you heat-bend it in shape, or keep it stiff? While I wait for your answer I will be over at Pandatroopers build thread...

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Putting in my question from the boot forum here as well:


I'm checking the reference shots from the MOM exhibition and the holster is placed at a slight angle on the boot. What I can't make out is if the entire holster is placed at an angle, or it's just how the holster is done.


I have placed the holster with magnets on my boot, should I rivet it like this, or just put it straight on in line with the top of the boot?



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Ok, so some updates are in order.


Forearm armor, done:



Holster, done:



Biceps armor, done:



I had to buy me some 1 inch elastic bands since MC didn't supply any. And for the biceps, the CRL for lancer says 35mm, but the cut in the plastic is 50mm, so I took that since it looked a lot better. Guess I'm going for "semi-lancer"..


Stay tuned, more stuff coming tomorrow.

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Some small progress today as well:


Back hump done. The rivet is just a fake I made and glued into a hole in the topper.




Knees done as well with lancer spec rivet and elastic added. Managed to drill myself in the thumb when I did this...




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Started the work on the helmet today. Gave it 3 really thin coats and going to let it cure now for 48 hours before sanding it down and giving it a couple of final thin coats.




I also put on the 35mm elastics on the shoulder bells per the lancer spec (plus I like the looks)



And I couldn't resist putting everything on while I was checking the chest placement. Any comments on it?


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Hip boxes look about right. Question for ya: does your TD greeblie fit inside the groove or did you have to shim it? Just wondering if Cal's widened that part.

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So, a picture-less update. The belt is done now, I'm quite happy with the end-result.


Helmet is sprayed again, will put on a (hopefully) final layer of white today. Sanded away some imperfections yesterday so I basically only need to cover them up.


Next (and final armor) thing to do is to get the chest and back done. One concern is that the tank doesn't fit very well when using the hole and screw supplied by MC. Does anyone have any good advice on that?

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And of course also some progress.. Made the shoulder straps tonight. I already have velcro on the vest, but some more can't hurt. I also sewed on the straps on the chest piece. Will measure the correct length during the weekend and add the fastex clips and some elastic.




And here's the finished belt, it's a bent a little, when I put it on it's only a couple of cm's to be pushed in so no major force is needed. I chose the velcro way of fastening it in the back. It's looks really good with the TD on.




The helmet also got a new layer of paint tonight. I think I just do a small touch up during the weekend before the clear varnish goes on.

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You don't happen to have a picture of it from the inside? How much did you have to move it?


Didn't have to move it very far. What I did was I put the tank on how I wanted it and then took the bolt and covered the end black with a sharpie and put it through the hole until it touched the back armor. It left a black mark and I drilled a new hole in the back armor there. Fairly simple and it worked really well.

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So I managed despite the good weather today to get some more parts done.


Finished the chest strap with some nice elastics:



Re-did the hole for the tank. Fits much better.



And I finished the snout for the helmet.



Tomorrow I will try to finish the armor since it's only the fitting of the chest remaining.


The helmet was supposed to get its final layer today, but I somehow lost my mind and tried to remove some runny paint while it was still wet... short story is, I have to sand a bit on the faceplate and redo a part of it.

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And the armor is DONE!


Let's start with a classic build-pic with all the classics, Lexxan scissors, E-6000, clamps, snaps etc.



And here's the end-result!


(yeah, yeah, I need a shave... long nights of building do that to you...)


So, now I can focus on the helmet :D

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