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About Para_Fett

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    Badlands Garrison

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  1. Is there anyway I could get my hands on one of these magnificent helmet kits?? Pretty please, with dead jedi on top!!
  2. It saddens me to hear the news about recasters, it's like saying cheating on your Doctoral Thesis is ok. I've been following the various BARC threads for awhile now, and I commend you guys on a job well done. I hope to one day see some pics of the whole thing, helmet armour and all the soft parts.
  3. I can't wait for my student loans to come in so I can get the Order 66 pic!
  4. It looks amazing man keep up the great work and the progress pics.
  5. I have been away from this form for awhile, you can't believe the joy when I saw this thread. It looks great so far pghfett, any more progress pics?
  6. I don't think Jango shin armor will work, it only covers the front. It resembles Padme's shin armor, on her battle costume. I've seen them made from sintra. Making the area that has the strap attachment wouldn't be that difficult. Just a second piece that could be attached somehow (have to trouble shoot a bit) I'm not sure if sintra would be able to contour the kind of detail need for the toe plate. I'll ask one of the guys in my garrison who is the king of sintra. -PF
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