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About Fulcrum0025

  • Birthday 02/25/2006

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  1. Yes! I have found it easily. However, is 3M CA40H an option? They are both called "jewery glue".
  2. Thanks! But is the glue strong enough to hold the magnets? Sometimes the magnetic force is way too stronger than the glue...
  3. I‘ve finished the basic painting of the scope, but I'm having trouble connecting. To make it portable, I'm not planning to glue. But I'm trying to make it detachable. I'm wondering how to achieve an assembly method between the scope and the gun body. photo: https://photo.baidu.com/photo/wap/albumShare?shareId=142915537851668779
  4. Thank you. I have found this tutorial rewarding.
  5. Thanks for the interpretation but I'm not trying to make a potential vendor.I'm preserving the valuable resouses for those who find a costume as a financial burden, because I'm in an environment with little support from the predecessors, and most of the Chinese Garrison members choose to buy a whole set instead of DIY. And I could really use that rib width if it is not so inconvenient.XD Thanks a lot for your help!
  6. As for keeptrooping, I always thought they were Americans. It wasn't until recently that someone told me they were Belgians living in China doing export business. It should save me some worries on shipping if I decide to get something from them.
  7. Thanks! I'll look into the photo storage system! As for the gloves, I choose custom made because this tailor had an experience in dealing with 501st gloves (He made gloves for a TK guy once) and I choose to put my trust in him. And btw, it cost me less.(It's about 35$ for a pair) Those ACG lovers made cosplay custom making services cheaper. Also, I would very much like to share my resources if the goods could meet your standards.
  8. BTW how can I send more photos on this forum? A total limit of 47kb isn't enough for one complete picture.
  9. Could u guys please help me measure the width of the four ribs on the glove? My tailor has made it look weird, and when I urged him to modify, he demanded me to provide the measurings.
  10. Thanks guys. I'm starting to print again using light curing. And I'm starting to paint. (sneaking to spray the putty on the roof of my college building XD) Don't kill me, professor.
  11. And the other side is even worse. I'm considering a reprint using light curing printers.
  12. I'm sanding and painting the Surfingbird DLT-19x while my armor is in painting progress in my friend's workshop. And I find it quite frustrating that the inner lines in the scope looks terrible. And it is hard for me to trim without doing damage. Could u guys please show me your scopes so I know how much I need to trim it?
  13. The path ahead is tough but beautiful.(As I'm doing the same thing) Looking forward to your progress.
  14. Okay, I'll send photos as soon as I start to do the sketchings.
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