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Cyra Marrus

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About Cyra Marrus

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    Chicago, IL

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  1. Did you end up finding a source for this? I’m working on the Niamos ST and am having trouble as well.
  2. Great advice, thanks! I've got a post-Imperial Mandalorian Merc, so I'm pretty decent on the actual 3D printing process, but this Sean Fields kit has just been a bit of a puzzle. I'll absolutely tag you if I have a question. In the meantime - your kit looks great! If I may ask, what are the fixes you need before approval? To my (admittedly untrained) eye, it looks fantastic.
  3. Really appreciate this. I'm not hell-bent at all on using Sean's files, and honestly just buying the Galactic Armory files seems like a better option than tinkering with his to make sure they work. One more question - totally unrelated to the back plate. I'm also working on the chest and am noticing that when I have the biceps on, the waist swoop from the chest is wide such that I can't actually lower my arms all the way, and the biceps will be scraping against that side piece. Is that what you've experienced as well? It's a couple steps down the road, but trying to decide if I should plan to heat mold those side pieces to conform a bit more to my waist. Although I know the ab piece has to slip in under that.
  4. Hey @Sixes, thanks so much for this tutorial. I'm working on a Sean Fields kit right now and am getting to the back section. Do you know if there's an updated STL with these fixes already in it? I'm a little confused on if the files in the folder right now have been updated. Any help would be appreciated!
  5. Thanks, @KOtrooper. Curious - is that a personal preference thing or do you think that weathering would be a challenge for approval?
  6. Hey there! Slow progress being made over here, but finished the left bicep. Really liking the level of grime this guy is getting.
  7. Oh hey! Happy New Year to everyone. Quiet day at work today, so had a chance to weather the new (correct) handplates. Same technique as the helmet to keep things as consistent as possible.
  8. An exciting update! I've finished the bucket! A couple notes: - I've decided to just do the chipping in black. Not worth potentially having to redo it all with that dark brown (even though I think it looks cool). - For the helmet, I did some black and brown airbrushing in the creases, and then hit it with a black wash and finally a burnt umber wash. Really pleased with the results and will continue to use this process for all the pieces moving forward. Best, Cyra Before the washes: And after:
  9. Oh, shoot! Thanks for the heads up. Sean's files don't have that I now see. Found an updated version and am reprinting now! In the meantime, anyone else want to weigh in on the chipping color? Appreciate you all!
  10. I painted in my chipping black on one of these handplates, and also did a couple rounds of black wash. Personally, I really like the dark brown..but want to make sure that's going to get approved. The CRL doesn't specify the weathering color. Anyways, let me know what y'all think.
  11. Good to know, thanks. I did the three washes on my post-Imperial Mando Merc and am pretty comfortable with the process and the results. I'll likely hit it with some airbrushing too. Do you see any issue with my chipping color?
  12. With a black wash I think it’ll darken quite a bit. But could I get @KOtrooper or @BikerScout007 to weigh in on that? Don’t want to get too far down the road if I need to adjust.
  13. Oh! One more thing. What visor material are you all using? I grabbed this one from Amazon. I used the green-tinted version for my Mando bucket, but the version I got for the ST is REALLY dark.
  14. Yeah, I've had to deal with some splatter, but have found it to be a bit better now as long as I'm holding the can vertically and have given it a good shake. Check out the helmet below. Just painted the emblem on there yesterday. Still need to do the black accents around the collar, and on the notches in the tusks. Then will black/brown/burnt umber wash. I also know I need to cover the rear vents. Thinking I can do that easily by painting a chunk of PLA black. Working on the hand plates as well...will share those when I finish painting them. Thanks all!
  15. Thank you all for weighing in. I'm excited about this build! Have some updates to share. I got down a bunch of Sahara Beige and have the top of the helmet put together. I consider myself a decent spray painter, but WOW is the Montana Gold tough to deal with! Spitting everywhere and just very finicky. I've tried all the tricks - shaking it for an eternity, warm water, the whole thing. Just going to require a little more finesse than I'm used to for spray painting. But, not insurmountable! Otherwise, I really like how the dark brown chipping has come out. I'll black/brown wash the whole thing later. The rest of the helmet is finally in a good place and is ready for paint. So, that'll be my next update. Happy Thanksgiving!
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