Howdy. Man....I think I could be one of those nightmare forum members, maybe I need to find someone local to blether to! So as above, printed blaster and holster, but not overly happy but not sure what one if wrong (granted the GA files, need tweaking - but views didn't raise to much on holster). My goal would be Level 1 so i can join in with the odd troop (love the work you do) not needing movie accuracy for my first pass.
These just look way off, however I have dug about and sizes seem fine, certainly meet the number I have seen on some threads so i am lost.
1. Has anyone else used or using the Galactic Armory files and had issues with holster? (I got files this week and apparently many issues already addressed - although still not perfect)? If so, any pictures of finished holster/blaster together.
2. Stupid one....I can only get 3 fingers in trigger area of blaster, imagine with gloves maybe only two, is it that small?
Cheers again.