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501st Pathfinder
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ZanderCage last won the day on January 28

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About ZanderCage

  • Birthday 06/28/2002

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  1. Sounds good. Thanks for the info. Ya I'm planning on cutting the bi-pod off.
  2. Does anyone know a place where I could buy a completed Dlt-19x scope? Im looking to convert my Dlt-19 to a DLT-19x and this is the only piece I need. I would be ok with having to assemble and paint it myself but finished would be perfered.
  3. I have my cod velcroed to my flightsuit and the end of the strap has velcro on both sides and it is attached to the Cummerbund where the two sides meets. Sorry if that's a bad explanation lol it's late.
  4. I ended up useing JB Weld plastic weld and it worked great. Had some difficulties with shaping the reinforcement pieces but that because I'm not the best with a heat gun. Thanks everyone.
  5. When you say capacitor part what part are you referring to? Also I would probably perfer magnets if possible cause it would be a one and done kinda thing. But I'll keep the velcro in mind.
  6. So for context about 80% of the troops my Garrison does we don't have handlers and all of us are wearing helmets so it's hard to keep and eye on the tiny blaster in the boot holster. I'm just wondering if you guys would have any advice for securing the blaster to the boot holster for those troops I just want it to sit there so a kid can't grab it or it won't fall out while I move. I was thinking of zip tieing it to the holster but I can't think of a way that I could do that so that the zip tie isn't visible.
  7. Sounds good thanks. I think I'm leaning more towards the JB Weld plastic weld cause I believe abs cement does get quite warm. Do you have any advice on placement or any tips? Just wanna make sure i get it right the first time and not make mistakes.
  8. Hi everyone. So I'm looking to reinforce my RS Scouts chest piece with some ABS strips on the back of the crease and I'm wondering what kind of plastic weld you would recommend useing? I see people recommending devcon plastic weld but it doesn't seem like that is readily available where I'm from would JB Weld plastic weld work or should I get ABS cement?
  9. My suit was approved by my GML. I just have to wait for my 501st profile to be updated and then I'm good to wear it.
  10. Thanks for the advice I appreciate it. I'll wait to hear from my GML and then I'll make those changes.
  11. Just sent in my submission pictures for basic approval. Let me know what you think. Any advice is appreciated. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u6QVsIaEiJOxr34iPCQzr9-ICGP56pMY
  12. For anyone reading this post in the future YES they are still giving out the Cummerbunds with these colored pouches. Just received my order today and they look like this.
  13. That's this is exactly what I needed.
  14. Hi everyone. So I'm gonna be adding the Upper Strap to my knee armor soon and I was wondering if anyone could tell me the exact measurements of where the rivet is supposed to sit. If you can direct me to a tutorial thread if one exists that would be helpful to. Thanks everyone.
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