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About Aukemy

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  • 501st Garrison
    West Texas Squad Lone Star Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I did not,the closest I got was a custom can it was $50 I decided to go with Himalayan Blue for the Captain
  2. It may be possible to modify them. the heat sink on the right side of the left one just needs to be rotated 90 degrees and the 'tube' added everything else about them look fine.
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GiQh1zVKNqtv0FXX9jrlDbXbIVud7hqX/view?usp=drivesdk Progress is coming along I've just been lacking on posting pics
  4. Anyone got a U.S. source for the Halfords Nordic Blue? I have found UK distributors but they won't ship to the states
  5. Thanks so much,I definitely took my time 🫡
  6. Been working the back belt piece,ngl this is a lot to hang on a thin piece of plastic😬 didn't expect PVC fittings on the kit,but hey if it works,lets work it.
  7. armor trimmed greeblies applied scuffed,and ready to prime.
  8. Helmet:Imperial Surplus Armor:Imperial Surplus Faulds:Mr. Paul E-22: 3D print from Watchtower Props Softparts:the Dark side Closet(still waiting on receiving) Belt: ShoreProp I finished my IS Bucket earlier in the year,here is the completed.
  9. Hello I'm Aukemy Fett BH15588 with the West TX Squad of the Lone Star Garrison here in Texas,here goes my attempt at a Shore Captain,I'll upload pics as soon as I figure out how to compress the size on the ones I got 🥴
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