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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Aesmodan

  1. Hello from Ottawa @Moostic Sorry to ask but I just googled a while and only see references to the Mr Paul and Nico Henderson files -- but not where to get them...? Cheers
  2. Thanks @Aradun Looking to print and/or buy! (I'm totally new to printing and considering buying an A1 printer with Black Friday for that currently underway). I saw mention of this specific DLT-19x STL on the forum already (and notwithstanding that this is a sniper weapon), I note the CRL images don't have a bipod. Are we good with the bipod / do we just not print that part? Cheers
  3. Could you recommend an approval STL for the DLT-19x?
  4. Hi @Aurel @TreeHuggerMatt I'm interested in a DLT-19x but he now seems gone from Etsy entirely? Cheers
  5. @TreeHuggerMatt Hey Matt! Who's DLT-20a STLs did you use? Looking to do one for a Shadow Scout...
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