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  1. Ok. I think I haven't forgotten anything. I'm going to get to work.
  2. Ok. Where is this piece attached?
  3. Guys, this is my codpiece. When I was begining my Biker Scout project, I saw that it´s less wide than the CRL and my colleagues. I don´t know if this is a problem because I don´t see it well on the CRL. The piece of the suit that I marked with the yellow arrow isn´t the vest as Chopper said. I was wrong. It´s the black rubber on the codpiece. What´s the best option to fix it?
  4. Thank you. Yes, the thigh straps will be about halfway between my drop boxes and knee armor.
  5. Could I then round the patch at the top as you have indicated and leave the bottom part without modifying anything? And on the back part I modify only the top part?
  6. Thank you. Please help me. Yesterday I read the CRL section on patches well and seeing the photo of the CRL. I don´t understand it very well because of the following that I would like you to clarify for me. It says: "suede or faux suede thigh patches extend over the flight suit crotch and down the front finishing above the knee. In this photo of the CRL the patches end up inside the knee pad and begin coinciding with the curve of the codpiece. This afternoon I read this post: This girl´s patches start above the curve of the codpiece and end above the knee. Maybe the CRL has changed since then. In this photo you tell me to make a curve in the patch above the curve of the codpiece and the patches end up inside the knee pad. I don´t know where exactly I have to put the patches. Could you please draw on my photo where the patches have to be placed?
  7. Ok. I'm going to keep modifying my flightsuit because as you say, I've already spent money on several modifications.
  8. Guys. I have a new question about the flightsuit, I hope you can help me. After submitting the photos I saw that the butt flap needs to be raised, the two black thigh straps too and the patches need to be modified to make them round as the GML said. Do you think it would be better to perhaps make a new flightsuit or am I wrong? There’re several modifications that need to be made. What do you think?
  9. The GML (Nora) said a few weeks ago that she like the rounded patches on the flightsuit as seen on the CRL. Would it be possible, since I have to make several alterations with my seamstress, for you to tell me how to modify them?
  10. ok. Could you please show me where I have to put them?
  11. The two black thigh straps are below the knee pads as I indicate in the photo. Do they have to be visible above the knee pad?
  12. Ok. So that there isn´t a big gap, could I unstitch the seam at the start of the butt flap and move it up where you indicate and sew it there?
  13. Yes, It´s the bottom edge of the flak vest. Do you think I should cut or put the belt lower so it can´t be seen? but if lower the belt, the girdle has to go down and it wouldn´t look right.
  14. I have made some new adjustments to the suit. I have trimmed the sleeve width of the vest a little because there was some excess, I have put in the new pouches, I have fixed the flightsuit by putting some stirrups so that it fits me, I have moved the velcro on the cummerbund so that it fits me better and I have trimmed the butt flap as you indicated. I´m showing you the photos so that you can see how it fits and see what you think needs to be improved.
  15. Ok. Before asking on the forum I read the CRL and I didn't see any problem but I feel more comfortable asking.
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