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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by MKE-Trooper

  1. Welcome! Great picture, I just saw it on instagram a few days ago.
  2. Thanks @Chopper I will do that right now before I forget.
  3. I just got the approval email!! TB-80504 reporting in!
  4. Per the 501st how to join page for existing members, I reached out to my local Garrison Membership Liaison (GML) requesting approval to add additional costumes to my Legion profile Wish me luck!
  5. I did some testing with the belt and I think it looks much better shortened. Hopefully I can talk my wife into doing some sewing. Left is untouched and Right is with it pinned up 1 3/4 inches.
  6. Is anyone using voice changers or electronics to enhance their voices when trooper? If so, can anyone recommend or share what they are using? Thanks!
  7. Question for the group. I did a partial suit up today so I could measure where to attach the velco on the flight suit for the Codpiece strap in back. Looking at others suit up pictures I feel like the Cummerbund is to tall. On others the pouches come down to the bottom of the Cummerbund, where mine has a good two inches below. I measured the pouches and they are exactly 6x5x2 inches. So my question is, how tall should the Cummerbund be? Mine is 11". I am sure it will look better once I add the belt but I want to make sure this isn't going to be a problem for approval.
  8. I did, I saw in another post that chicago screws were approved and added to the CRL.
  9. And the boots are done! Now I wait for everything to dry. The weathering on the armor seems to be drying in 2-3 days, but the boots seem like they are going to take 7-10 days. Once everything is dry I will glue down the dogbones on the boots and add the straps back onto the armor. I am beyond happy with how everything turned out. The weathering is more of a reddish brown (I used Raw Umber on everything), but it is not showing that way in the photos. I will have to figure out how to capture the color better when I suit up for pictures.
  10. Soft parts (Cummerbund, Codpiece and Pouches) weathered and a majority of the hard parts are done. Now I just need to weather the boots and attach the holster. I have spent way more time on weathering than I would like to admin but I am SO happy with how everything is coming together.
  11. Well that was super easy! First I turned the glove inside out, then I made a small cut along the seam all the way around the opening of the glove. From the there the lining pulled right off! Fits much better now and much cooler.
  12. I just found this thread in the "ROTJ Biker Scout Soft Parts" forum. I will give this a shot and see how it goes.
  13. Has anyone removed the lining in the Wampa Wear Gloves? While the quality of the gloves are amazing, they are also VERY warm. I don't plan on trooping in 20 degree weather. Wondering if anyone else has done this and if so, are they comfortable without the lining and did it help with making them not so warm.
  14. Well, I learned a very important lesson tonight, weathering the soft parts (Cummerbund, Codpiece and Pouches) is NOTHING like weathering the hard plastic armor. Just the smallest amount of oil paint on the brush goes a long way. Luckily I tested on an area that does not show, getting oil paint out of fabric does not work very well
  15. 99% done with weathering the hard parts! Just need to do some touch ups over the next few days and then onto dying the soft parts.
  16. I finally found time to start working on weathering and made some excellent progress! I am really happy with the results so far. How long does it take for the paint to dry? I thought I read 2-3 weeks somewhere but I can't find it now.
  17. No worries Tarok. I will figure it out.
  18. Now that I have everything in hand, can anyone point me to a suit up video or guide? I have a few questions that I am sure have been answered many times. For example, I just tried on the soft goods from KriptonTop, where should the Cummerbund be positioned and what does the black strap connect to?
  19. After waiting almost 2 weeks for my order with a "Clearance in progress" status with Fedex, my Soft Goods from KriptonTop on etsy was finally delivered today! With that everything is in hand. Now I just need to find the time to start weather everything. The boots from Crowprops are a bit more snug than I would like, but I am hoping they will stretch a bit after I break them in.
  20. Thanks Tarok. I ordered Raw Umber and Burnt Umber. Maybe I should return the Burnt Umber and not even bother. If the results I am seeing on others builds is only Raw Umber, that looks pretty great and much easier anyway
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