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  1. Yea, I sent an email today! Thanks for the help everyone, after seeing y’all’s I think it’s starting to make more sense. I think I am supposed to glue the rotating bolt to the visor while it’s in the back part and then glue the cap covering it. I might try and reprint the bolts so the inserts fit more securely. I could have messed with the scaling of it when I sized it to match the helmet, if I remember correctly I kept the depth (y if it’s standing on its side?)of it at 100% but I will reprint at 101 and see if that helps! again thanks for everything!
  2. It still is three pieces, the bolts that I printed for it don’t hold it in place though. Here is a picture of it where it’s supposed to go but it doesn’t hold put
  3. Does anybody have any advice in attaching flip up visor with the galactic armory bolts? I do not know how to get them to stay in place and function! Thanks!
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