Hello! I recently begun my journey to make a scout trooper and due to the limited amount of time I have I decided to buy a made kit off of someone from a Facebook group I’m in.
This person did state that the armor was not 501st approvable which I understood, but I also looked over his armor before buying to see what could be salvageable.
So far I have ruled out that the flight suit, cummerbund, and possibly chest and back armor are not acceptable but I am also torn on the chest and back armor because it looks like I may be able to save it without having to scout out the internet for replacement armor.
Attached is a google drive link with pictures of all the armor from the vendor after arriving at my house, any help identifying if this is acceptable/can be saved for all the armor is greatly appreciated! I did refer to the CRLs and it looks like most armor falls in line, but I am new and have never made armor before so I could be wrong!
Here is the link:
Thank you all again!!!!!