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John W

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by John W

  1. Amazing work sir ! May be reaching out to you eventually
  2. Hey guys, got a small intercleavage crack on my chest armor. It is only on the outside of the armor , not all the way through . Have sone suggestions already on repair , wanted to get sone other perspective ideas on easiest repair . Thanks !
  3. I worked on mine tonight . Got it pinned . Gonna stitch tomorrow
  4. Thank you sir . That list is great help . πŸ‘πŸ‘
  5. Kropserckles are acceptable as 501 st ? They do have finished ones available.
  6. Who is making finished helmets that are approvable ? I know about RS props but aside from them ? I did not want to be in a race to get approved by Aug 24 from a vendor that I was gonna use . Any help or direction is appreciated
  7. Nice . Did you take a torch to the clips or cold bend them ? Thanks for the response . πŸ‘
  8. Hey , I have a MonCal armor set that I am assembling. The thermal det is a hose. I am supposed to drill and put the screws into the hose . I don’t think there is enough real estate for the screws to purchase to hold over time . Has anyone filled the hose with a resin or put a dowel rod in there for rigidity to give the belt clips purchase ? New to this hobby / lifestyle. All help appreciated
  9. Got my flight suit today . Legs need to be taken in . How snug should the elastic be on the thighs ? Mine def needs to be tightened up . Pilot bay had it out the door in about 1 day . Really happy with the quality of the construction.
  10. How was the fit ? I am sticky and 5’6” . I always have issues fitting my back then arms being too long
  11. Is it best to wait until armor is done to try to make the cummerbund and cod piece?
  12. I felt for a first time builder start with the most finished kit first . Hopefully less frustrating moments
  13. It is me .
  14. I ordered my armor this am before my workday started
  15. Iron , I purchased the MontCal this am . The back tank assembly and holster made it worth it to me . I don’t know if I will ever move to 501 st stuff but I want the correct stuff if I do . I got a black series scout helmet for an 18th century immersion event . A fellow reenactor is a Star Wars geek and shows up with a Mando helmet or Capt Rex with his 18th century stuff. I was like gonna do the same . Do I got the black series helmet . It went from just the helmet to well damn I am gonna rock this for Halloween . A few years ago I thought of 501 but I thought I have a room just for 18th century. What am I thinking .. well I got armor coming πŸ˜¬πŸ˜¬πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘
  16. Thank you sir . Just trying to buy goid stuff the first time
  17. I saw a builder on Etsy . Montcal . It appears their kits are finished but just need assembly. It also stated the holster and rear tank have had things done where newbies like me would possibly fudge it up . Has anyone utilized this kit for a first build ? Thanks πŸ™
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