My question about your comprehensive review of GA files is are you implying they dont match up to the original movie accurate armor they made long ago? If one is going for just level one non movie screen accurate but crl approveable that are these files still wrong? I trying to understand what all you pointed out with the GA files. I did purchase these file awhile ago with the intent to get approved, that said I dont care if its level one or two... just another approved costume I can troop in. Im going the way of all satin black shadow scout style and I know there is a difference in the look of the all white vs all black. I have already had these files printed and painted everything to what I am lead to belive they are in compliance to shadow scout the crl. I did notice some of the greeblies were not accurate and remodeled them myself to look like what others look like, but I've noticed those same greeblies ( forearm, grill) are different among some of the different vac form venders out there. So who's right and who's not? You cant tell me from one vac form vendor to another that every piece thats made is 100% the exact same? Even other 3d modelers its impossible for all of them to be 100% exact. Some items could look wrong by how one percieves them or how a photo was taken. I didnt see any mentions in the crl stating that the back tank for example has to be a exact width or depth? Same with how GA chest and back meet at the top of the shoulder, that spot where they meet is covered anyway by fabic and you will never know if they key together or are two blunt ends. Dont take these questions the wrong way, Im not trying to attack you Im just trying to understand what all you pointed out in your review if GA's files does it make these files not approval in any crl biker or shadow scout level one? I do apprceiate the long and extencive work you put into reviewing GA's files.