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  1. I've changed the image format to jpeg. I was viewing it on Safari but I've checked it on Chrome and Firefox and I can see the images. Hoping it worked.
  2. Copy! I'll see if I can fix it. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for letting me know. Strange thing is that I'm seeing the two images from my browser. No one else is seeing the two photos?
  4. Hi all, It has been a while but only because I travel for work and this year had gotten busy. My helmet progress had left off with my creating the plastic paste with clippings and plastic weld. I need to apply another layer and continue to sand although I may switch to bondo to finish. This is my least favorite part of the build but I am determined to get through it.
  5. Progress pics attached! I'm really getting excited now. The new RS build video is super helpful. I'm glad they're making them again. Getting the angles right was challenging but I'm very happy with the results so far. I do also need to thank RS for helping out with the kit. They sent me a few replacement parts with the pencil lines drawn in and it made a world of difference. I've been using the one without the line for practice as I move through the build. It will never be a full helmet because, as mentioned, I only received a few parts. Regardless, I am very grateful because it really made the difference. The pencil lines were definitely needed.
  6. I'm back at it and making progress on the helmet. I've successfully trimmed all parts and I've installed the interior cover strips. It's looking pretty good so far. The front edge didn't line up perfectly but it's hidden under the mask and I think I can probably even it out a bit anyway, once I do the plastic slurry.
  7. Super helpful feedback! Thank you @Chopper!
  8. Ok, so I've sewn a velcro strip directly to the jumpsuit. It separates at the zipper. It is very easy when putting on as it mainly just stays on the jumpsuit. It is also very comfortable when worn. Here are two pics from a test fit I did today. I feel like my body armor and soft parts are complete and ready for feedback so I will need to focus on finishing the RS helmet kit so I can submit. I'm wearing my EFX Legend in the photo, which I don't plan on trooping in.
  9. Hi Corey, Thanks for the feedback! I'll do as you've recommended. 🙂
  10. Hello all, I am working on attaching the cod piece to the suit. I know that ballers attach it to the flak vest but mine is too short. It seems that the next best option would be to attach it to the jumpsuit with 2 strips of velcro (allowing a break for the zipper). I can't tell if it's currently sitting high enough. Any thoughts?
  11. Yes, thanks! I’ve been following these videos and they are very helpful but my kit came without the pencil marks that are mentioned to be on the parts so I’m struggling quite a bit. I do hope RS finishes making this series of tutorials. I found their TK instructions to be super helpful.
  12. I’m still here guys. Work has been a distraction but I am hoping to get back to the build soon. The RS helmet kit has been very challenging but I’m still hopeful to get a good result.
  13. I can see some of the vac formed lines but a lot are not visible at all. I appreciate your input. I'll keep working at it. Thanks. 🙂
  14. Hi Rob, unfortunately, my helmet came without pencil lines so the lines in the photos are just guess I've been making. The RS video also says to follow the lines and then skips over most of the cutting. Simon mentions a stencil in the video. Might you be able to share a pdf of the stencil so I can see where to cut?
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