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501st Pathfinder
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42 Excellent

About Kagamaru

  • Birthday 06/04/1973

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  • Interests
    Art, Graphic Design, Murals, Star Wars, Music

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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Spent some time after my first troop making adjustments to issues that, as you know, can only be discovered after wearing the gear for an hour or three. I added stirrups to the bottom of the pant legs. Added Velcro inside the bottom front lip of the armor to secure the cummerbund and adjusted the position of and enlarged the Velcro arm anchors for the arm pieces. Now they center and space better. Also sewed the pouches in the proper location so they don’t droop. Very happy with this kit.
  2. Got a neck "dickie" in to replace the neck seal. Blaster is ordered.
  3. https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=37323&costumeID=125 No photos yet but coming.
  4. Submitted photos yesterday and adjusted a few things, made sure I addressed the things mentioned by @Aradun Stayed up late going back and forth with the GML as he would suggest or point out things that I would then fix and resubmit. I brought the kit to a troop tonight and had a final in-person inspection. All that to say I passed and was approved! Thank you all for all the help and support! I’m so excited to be a Scout Trooper. My favorite since I sat in that theater watching Return of the Jedi so many years ago! I was able to troop at an event tonight. There are a few things I want to shore up. Reinforce, etc. It held up well and the crowds loved it. I had another scout from our troop to hang with. Loads of fun. It’s late here and I just got back, so I’ll upload some photos tomorrow. GML will make it official this weekend and I’ll finally be a TB! I guess now I need to see about a blaster. Any suggestions for a rubber or resin approvable one that’s durable?
  5. Shortened the shoulder bells 1.5” and raised the upper arm plate. Spacing is better now
  6. Suggested to tighten the boxes up, pull the legs tighter so the suede doesn’t bunch. Pull up pouches tighter under the chest.
  7. Submitting to the GML. Wish me luck!
  8. Weathering. I feel like I’m doing something wrong, spray painting this nice shiny white armor. 😂
  9. Quick test fit. Clips for detonator are arriving tomorrow. I got better tubes. Went to the pool supply store. 😊 I will definitely need to affix the Velcro tabs to hold the armor pieces in place. Especially the upper arms. I have to add an actual connecting strap to the back of the jerkin to connect to the cod strap. It’s just rigged in place here and too short. I’m getting biker wedgie. The belt wasn’t tightened all the way and slipped too low in the photo. Easy to fix. Does the cummerbund go under the chest armor? I’ll check references. Of course pads in the pouches and other odds and ends. And weathering!! I’m pretty happy so far.
  10. Found this conduit at the hardware store. Would this work? It’s the perfect size! I would, of course, remove the ends and replace with the proper end caps.
  11. Yes, and I just found the link! Going to see if there is something close local that I don’t have to have shipped.
  12. Sorry for so many questions, I’m getting really close to finishing. It’s all very informative and everyone has been so helpful. Very much appreciated! In the construction video for the td, he says there will be a link to find the correct clips. Can someone point me to that link? Do they sell them at Home Depot, true value, or Lowe’s perchance? This is what I’m building today. 😭
  13. Also while I have all my build stuff out, what are some break points that I can go ahead and reinforce? I think the slots around the chest and back armor look like they may see a bit of stress in taking them on and off. Might double the abs around those corners. Anywhere else?
  14. So I found what I thought was an extra piece in my box. It looked like the hand guards for the TK. Turns out it was the chin strap cup. I guess it has to be custom fit which is why the builder didn’t install it. Anyway I’m looking for installation tips if anyone has a photo to share. Thank you 🙏!
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