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About Monumendalorian

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    German Garrison
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  1. Oooooh, I'd really like to see your boots. They'll probably be my project for whitsunday or even Fronleichnam, when there'll be some days off of work in a row, otherwise it'll take me a while to get back to my scout anyway.
  2. Well, I did use the holiday for the 2nd sole (and I hated it passionately). Due to children-issues we were only few people on sunday, so I had almost an entire cake for myself. all that sugar and a thick taping of my fingers helped a lot finishing it. But before I can start the interesting part of my shoemaking, there will be a pause because of the beginning reenactment season.
  3. Yeah, I'm still waiting to get my account unlocked. But since it has to be done manually and it's holidays I guess I have to be patient (one of my character strengths... not) 😆
  4. @M.J, I still owe you an answer. I didn't find the posting where I read about the seam, but I found the photo I've seen here in Scoutopedia
  5. keep me updated! I'll probably use Easter Sunday to carve the 2nd sole. There will be enough chocolate available againto endure it 😉
  6. I haven't been trooping, obviously, but I have a history of meanwhile 20 years in a pipe band. So not being able to dress oneself properly seems pretty normal to me 😆 you're looking great, don't be hard on you.
  7. @wide, this is the material I used the Volumenvlies I used for Codpiece ans Vestsleeves is about 3 mm thick and... aufzubügeln (dunno the english word for when you stick smth onto smth by ironing it). The Vlies I used for the Cummerbund is 5 mm but folded double, so actually 1 cm thick.
  8. Codpiece I used the pattern that I found on becomingbobafett.com (btw. is the owner of this page still active here? This page has been sooooo helpful, thanks so much!), who had obviously found it somewhere here. I made a mockup, and it looked unbelievably silly 😆 so I made the real version a good bit smaller, after I got advise from a trooper from the German Garrison.
  9. Thank you! It obviously was a communication-problem with my Dropbox from my mobile phone. Whatever. I updated the postings now from my computer at home and that worked, yaayyyy!
  10. Hej, I'm in Stockholm atm, so I'll write you just a short PM tonight or maybe tomorrow. I'll take care of that embedding-mess later. I don't have pictures of the finished soft parts on me anyway, but I have some of the making of them on Facebook, if you have an account there
  11. Yeah, I'm having some trouble uploading or embedding pictures. I actually blame my bad Internet Connection here. Hopefully it will be better when I'm at my parents around Easter
  12. Cummerbund Mercerized Cotton should translate to Baumwollsatin, the lady in the fabric store told me. This should have been an easy thing to do, but I miscalculated even twice (that’s when you think „ah, I just do that square thingy after work, nothing fancy“) and I was just sheer lucky that I ended up with enough fabric at one piece that I didn’t have to start piecing. I measured it 44“ wide and 9.5“ high, so that, when I subtract the usual 5/8“ seam allowance, I end up just over 8“. That should equal the length of from just under the chest armor down to the belt. Closure is right-over-left with the top secret 50mm velcro that I had to order in Poland (!!!) because it seemed impossible to buy here in GER. I also chose to let the seam be visible on the bottom of the cummerbund because it is obviously screen accurate. The padding is a lot thicker than the one in the vest. Front of cummerbund has 5 ribs that are each 1“ wide. The cummerbund is going to be stuck to the vest via velcro patch one day in the near future, but it is not done yet.
  13. Vest I followed the T-Shirt-to-Flakvest – Tutorial I found here. Easy to follow, highly recommended! I got a 100% (organic) cotton shirt. Even if the sleeves are padded with Polyester, I hope to stay less hot and smelly with my cotton parts. I made the ribs 1“ wide, same as on the cummerbund. The vest will be left separate from the flight suit, codpiece and cummerbund. I’m not sure yet if I like it the way it turned out, but it is definitely better than I expected when I started cutting the T-Shirt The vest sleeves should extend no further than 1.5 inches past the bottom edge of the shoulder bell, but I didn’t check it yet.
  14. Yes, I actually thought about that first. But, tbh, the zippers were quite irritating on my secondary characteristics 😉 I'm not quite in the lower cup-ranges
  15. Gloves Christkind brought me Wampa Wear Gloves. They apparently cost an arm and a leg to import them to GER, but they are very comfy
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