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About Dekkers240

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  1. Finished armor parts in basic Khaki. next step will be appliying the camo, might be some time before I post the next pictures.
  2. It was a pain to attach the snaps, but got there in the end.Also used the Dual lock tape from 3M, works amazingly well. I can finally start focussing on the camo part of this project , finishing up painting the basic Khaki colouriing
  3. I used snaps to keep the nose armor in place , on both sides, on the nose to keep it flush , I used a piece of 3M's dual lock tape.
  4. Redid the Knee-strapping , made the clips out of abs left-overs, for more detail The Knee-armor with painted strapping ( Leather Spray-paint )
  5. Finally 4 weeks of vacation, enough spare time to work on this project. I started by padding the biceps, as I've never worked with neoprene before , I had to test a few glues to work with, the only glue that worked for me,without leaving a mess, was hotglue, works like charm, but the material is difficult to work with when you need to cut.That why I use scissors with it, and a tiny nail-clipper to get into those difficult corners.
  6. Not exactly, but I just went with it in the end, ofcourse I had to trim down the boot-armor, and trim of the return edge at the bottom ( at least the boot armor had a return edge), this kind of gave me at least , enough room to get my foot through without making the gap ...way too oversized, well it's kind of rain-boot sized now, which I have to be satisfied with I guess. I fiberglassed the edges of the calves , to make up for the missing return-edge , so in the end , trimming off the return edge did it for me, also you need to take the boot-itself into consideration, when assembling the calve-armor. Ofcourse the calves will never be as short or tight like in the reference picture, but I'm always straving to aproach the source material as much as possible. I might still have to trim the calves down a bit, but it all depends on the nose-armor, my lower legs are long enough to make it work though.
  7. Just bought 2 meters of 3mm thick neoprene (160cm wide) , will use it to padd my armor parts.
  8. Got my Visor in from "Kalevala Visors" Satisfied with the quality, seams very strong. Also worked on the boot armor, used Tan cotton strapping Still need to do the boot-nose armor and the knee parts, than I can start camouflaging I'm also replacing all rubberstrapping with leather, still need to do the Knee-strapping, because I'm making the clips seperately.
  9. How do you guys connect the boot-nose armour, without permanently glueing them.Also trying to avoid magnets.
  10. Redid the belt in leather , in two parts.Because the rubber "Elastic Band" was ....a lot to be desired ...sigh.But I;m glad it worked out!
  11. Finally got my boots , cummerbond + vestboxes in from crowprops
  12. Done with the upper-tprso in basic color Also painted the undersuit in Espresso brown.
  13. With minor skuff marks, satisfied with the "Ral 1001" color-code option, will paint the armor in full base color, before camouflaging .
  14. Not there yet, but also need to mist and dust to get that exact right feel.It's difficult, but once you know, it's easy.
  15. Also primered the helmet , and sprayed the first layer of paint ( I know , still have to do the rectangular thing in the visor)
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