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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by VynnDrax

  1. Gloves arrived from KeepTrooping yesterday - unsurprisingly they fit like, well, a glove! [emoji1] (Tapatalk isn't letting me upload a picture, so will try and share later...)
  2. Thanks all! I think I'll leave the neck seal as it's optional (and probably won't be all that visible anyway). Gloves ordered from KeepTrooping yesterday after checking on sizing, and measurements have gone in to Chef, so just a waiting game now.
  3. Figured I'd best get this started after doing some research and checking against the CRL... We're lucky in the UK that we've got some great suppliers of both soft and hard kit - RS, RWA (who supplied my TIE), but I felt I'd be cheating myself if I didn't go with Chef. 😀 So, after reaching out to Chef and being added to his list, this is where I'm at currently - Helmet / Armour: Chef's Creations Soft Parts (inc. boots): Chef's Creations (already have a balaclava from my TIE Pilot, however) Blaster: Chef's Creations Gloves: Chef doesn't supply these - I was originally going to go with Wampawear, but they're out of stock at present, so I may go with KeepTrooping while they're open for the January wave. I hope I'm right in thinking the above won't cause me any problems - I think it's mostly a case of buckling up while I'm waiting for Chef to work his magic... I did have one question, however - I see the neck seal is an optional item, but the CRL specifies fabric only - is Darman still the way to go for this if I do decide to get one?
  4. Hi guys! Just wanted to say thank you for all the research everyone has done - I've been wanting to make this bag for a while, so this has been invaluable. My pack came in the post today - luckily, I'm making mine for everyday use - I don't think the screen used one has these straps? (Not complaining about the carry handle, though!)
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