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Everything posted by Lyferikson

  1. The final verdict: In my opinion and experience, if anyone is thinking about ordering from Sheev's Emporium, or has ordered from Sheev's, I would strongly recommend against it. Regardless of what he promises, items will arrive in 9 months or longer, he doesn't respond to customer messages, and the final product size/quality is not guaranteed. I wish that Sheev's would be honest and transparent about shipping times and customer service, but until that happens I would boycott his store entirely. Technically the items do eventually arrive, but the stress and hassle is just not worth it. If word of this reaches Sheev's Emporium, I implore him to get his act together and be more up-front with his innocent paying customers.
  2. Sorry it took to long to reply to this post! Yes, Sheev's eventually replaced my order. (It turns out that he accidentally mixed up two orders and mailed them to the wrong people.) All in all, it was promised that my order would arrive in 3 weeks, and instead arrived in just under 7 months. I don't want to support to give money to a business that treats their customers so poorly; it is truly insulting and deplorable. I would recommend Sheev's if he was transparent and honest with his customers. I don't mind waiting a year for an order if a shop's website claims it will arrive in a year, but I will always get stressed if an item arrives any later than when it is promised. If you ordered from Sheev's, you should save yourself the stress and hassle and cancel the order. Learning to sew and make your own jacket would be much easier and enjoyable. Best of luck, trooper!
  3. Truthfully, you should try to cancel your order and get a refund. If you purchased the order through a service such as PayPal, you can dispute the order and get a fair refund. In my experience, Sheev's takes 9 months minimum to finish any order, and will only respond to messages randomly once during that period. When I ordered from him, he said it would take 3 weeks and ended up being just over 7 months to arrive. Whatever delivery date he promises will be a flat out lie. He is eager to take your money and then forget about you. The stress and hassle of ordering from him just isn't worth it; I would rather teach myself to sew and buy a new sewing machine than order from him again. Sure, your order will arrive eventually, but you're going to be sitting in the dark waiting blindly for it, and the quality isn't guaranteed either. (When my order arrived, it ended up being the wrong order, and the sizing was completely wrong. Sheev's replaced it only after I flooded the internet with negative reviews about his shop, apparently that's the only way to get his attention, sadly.) I don't think it's right for a prop shop to deceive and stress out their customers, stores should be up-front and transparent with their buying base. That's my opinion, I hope you find a solution that works for you. I truly wish you the best of luck trooper!
  4. But... again, I want to be as transparent as I can to save anyone from the same ordeal I just went through: I hate to bad mouth a fellow prop maker, but if anyone orders from Sheev's Emporium you need to know what you're getting yourself into. For me, personally, it wasn't worth the hassle. Maybe it will work out better for you.
  5. **SHEEV'S EMPORIUM UPDATE** So good news! As sad as it sounds, my harsh reviews were enough to get the attention of Sheev's emporium and he finally started answering my messages. We confirmed that the jacket I received was indeed the wrong size, and was his mistake. Upon even further investigation, he suspected that he had shipped me the wrong order altogether. He is going to ship me the correct order very soon, and I will send new photos once I get the correct jacket. (Probably in a week or two) So! In conclusion: Good: Sheev's Emporium is willing to fix my order and make sure that I get the correct product that I purchased. Bad: Shipping times and seller communication are still very poor. According to the shop, there is a large queue of orders, and each is handled in its own time and manner. He insists that he isn't ghosting anyone, even though it feels that way. I'll post an update hopefully soon!
  6. **SHEEV'S EMPORIUM UPDATE** So good news! As sad as it sounds, my harsh reviews were enough to get the attention of Sheev's emporium and he finally started answering my messages. We confirmed that the jacket I received was indeed the wrong size, and was his mistake. Upon even further investigation, he suspected that he had shipped me the wrong order altogether. He is going to ship me the correct order very soon, and I will send new photos once I get the correct jacket. (Probably in a week or two) So! In conclusion: Good: Sheev's Emporium is willing to fix my order and make sure that I get the correct product that I purchased. Bad: Shipping times and seller communication are still very poor. According to the shop, there is a large queue of orders, and each is handled in its own time and manner. He insists that he isn't ghosting anyone, even though it feels that way. I'll post an update hopefully soon!
  7. That solution would definitely look the best! It's requires cutting and some uncomfortable sewing, but it would look the best.
  8. For sure, here are the higher res image files: LINK: https://imgur.com/a/Qi6hznT
  9. Here are front and back photos of mine. LINK: https://imgur.com/a/Qi6hznT I don't know if this will help, but at least it's something! I really hope yours turns out awesome.
  10. Beware Sheev's Emporium! After 6 months of extra wait time, poor seller communication, and a hefty price tag, I finally received my jacket... and it doesn't fit. (Sleeves are way too short). I am extremely dissatisfied with that shop.
  11. It is just a shame all around. What I got wasn't worth the waiting or the price. Hopefully yours goes better! Maybe you can find a local tailor that can do a better job
  12. I just posted a photo above. The quality is good, but the jacket size is wrong. I feel cheated.
  13. 6 months later... I got my jacket from Sheev's Emporium. Overall, I am NOT happy. Here is my unfiltered review: Review for Sheev's Emporium - 2/5 stars - ★★☆☆☆ I purchased a Patrol Trooper jacket from this shop back in May 2023, and there's good and bad things about this order, so I'll make a list: - I was told the item would arrive in 2 weeks, instead it arrived in 6 months - Poor seller communication - Jacket quality is superb! Quality materials and masterful sewing - BUT... the jacket is sized INCORRECTLY! (In my case, the sleeves are too short, and now my messages are being ghosted.) - Pricy, but fair cost - Bonus: He gifted me a small leather holster, but as kind as that gesture is I would rather have the custom-tailored product I ordered fit me properly. Overall thoughts: The quality of the product itself really is good, but if you buy anything here expect long shipping delays, no responses to your messages, and there's a gamble that the final product won't fit correctly. But if you're making a patrol trooper suit, this is literally the only seller on the internet making these jackets, so he is your only chance at an accurate undersuit.
  14. I'll check it out, thanks!
  15. Is there a vendor that makes the leather belt pouches? Or perhaps a tutorial on how to make them? I thought I read somehwhere that they were originally taser/pepper spray holders or something, is that true? I just need the leather belt pouches. Thanks!
  16. I ordered a jacket from Sheev’s a couple months ago. I’ll let you know when it arrives! I have high hopes
  17. Thanks! Those tips help alot, I'll see what I can do,
  18. SO, as we all know, there are currently no stores that offer the Patrol Trooper jacket/undersuit. Therefore I need to ask: How else did everyone here get their undersuit? Custom sewing? Commissioning a sewing shop? What was your experience like? What details do I share with the seamstress? And most importantly, what is the best material to use? Faux leather? Real leather? Or something similar? Thanks so much! (pic for attention)
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